post your honest reviews of the DVD, recent gigs and nick drake album here

wee I'm starting to get rather scared about this tribute album... Duncan didn't answer me yet wether he sent me the cd or not, because the damn post has just messed with one of my letters (again) and now strangely I'm wishing he hasn't send the cd yet... for he asked me in December to confirm me address and said he will send it next Tuseday. still in December. I hope he didn't send it, its just better to get it a couple of months later than never :(

local shops say the DVD will be here this week. hope they are right...
I'm sure he hasn't sent it yet, the normal delivery bw Hun and Ire is 4-7 days, even at Christmastime it shouldn't be more than 10 days.
but if he didn't use priority mail, maybe...

mail, hehe, that reminds me, I wrote an essay about prostitution and I wrote "male-order bride" instead of "mail-order bride" :D
Bambi said:
priority mail just went out of business in ireland, and the post office might be on strike no ceedeees for yeee :Spin:

They were supposed to be on strike in December too.

Loona darling, don't believe him, he's a malevolent snappy creature.
Go ed trade union, at least there are some trade unions who still have some powow.

Loona, I'll bring you your cd in the spring :D
okay :) until that I'll be fine with the DVD I guess, finally :) :) :)

no booklet yet, but now it doesn't interest me that much. okay, it does, but think I have bigger problems right now than bothering myself with it. with time there will surely be some way out of this booklet-story. and also the guy in the shop told me he will give me one if they'll have ones with booklet :) (oye, everytime I go there he says hello and asks again whether I want something of Anathema or Amorphis :lol: )

well, as I only saw it once yet, I won't be able to have an opinion that is rather honest. it is, but pretty subjective :grin:
I find it sooooo beautiful, I'm also happy that it brought back all the memories we had there, it even brought tears into my eyes. Eh, and the extras are very nice too, the London part is sooo beautiful, it must have been a life-long memory for all those who have seen it live.
Oh, I also happened to see Caroline and Maren on the Hamburg video (or so it was said, am I right that it wasn't in Hamburg actually?) :wave:
also found Peter singing sweetly, and myself as well :lol:

still I found the menus the best. really, don't laugh. I think they are amazing, with all the musical pieces they give a very nice frame to the content, it's like you already melt because its beauty when you haven't seen anything. well at least that's happened to me.
back to the Krakow one, that's a great thing to have so many camera views, it makes the whole video moving, rolling, and doesn't let you get bored of it. think the staff did it all nice with the lights too, but I also noticed it when I was there.

however at some moments I don't find the picture and the voice synchronised, did anyone else notice it or is it just my computer's fault?
anyways, that should be the biggest problem, nevermind :p

I also miss the Peaceville songs, but if it had to be like that, than that's it...
DragonLady1 said:
Loona, I guess it was from the Munich gig and not Hamburg, but doesnt matter ;)
yep that's why I asked. Hamburg's written on the DVD, but as I remember Maren said something like she saw herself on it, so it can't be Hamburg as she wasn't there in Hamburg.
but I may be wrong.
mine turned up yesterday and, of course, went straight in the dvd player. sound was a little muted on the kick drum but, apart from that, i thoroughly enjoyed watching the boys play - i've only seen anathema once at disco 2 in nottingham back in the day (dearly beheaded supported - i was the only twat on the dance floor - i think at the gates played as well). will certainly check them out next time they play the uk....
wow I got me Nick Drake cd on Monday. it is reeeeally nice, I was listening to it all night :) guess I love it :)
number 15, which is ace, for it is my birthday :p
thanks Duncan, thanks Danny :wave:

but unfortunately the thing I was damn afraid of, did happen: the sleeve's corners are crumpled, I almost started to cry when I opened the envelope... :waah:
if I'd knew there is no plastic cover I'd ask Duncan to put it in some hard packing... (okay, of course it's not your fault Duncan, not every country's postmen play football and other nice things before distributing the letters... fuck...)
((btw, other proud cd owners, how is your cd sleeve? didn't you have the same experience?))

no matter, I'm happy to have it in the end, thanks again :) *back to listening to it*