Post your non-music hauls!

Man, I don't have a life but I still wouldn't have time to watch all the movies and listen to all albums you partake in.
i liked your other post more. Have you seen that one commercial with the vaping puppet?

What other post? Also the vaping puppet sounds hilarious even though I would assume that its meant to denigrate vapers

Edit: I just saw that shit, fucking bs. It is way safer than cigs but I honestly dont care that much about my health
38 special. S&W Model 15-3 dated sometime in the 70s.
yeah that was my second choice since i knew big ass 38 specials were pretty popular back then and i was able to tell right off the bat that it was an older model. I've only owned one 38 special and it was a nice little hammerless S&W. I also had a 38 super when i was a youngster but it was a beatup throwaway.