Post your thoughts on these 2005 releases

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
Drudkh - The Swan Road
Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal
Hate Forest - Sorrow
Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis
Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture
Vile - The New Age Of Chaos

I'll post my comments later, and I'm probably going to make more threads similar to this in the future.
Weltanscauung = kickass. haven't heard the rest.

I really need to hurry up and get the Drudkh album. The rest of the bands I've never heard yet... though Hate Forest is on my list of bands to check out.
"The Swan Road" is extremely good and blatantly underrated (for not being "Automn Aurora II", I reckon).
"Weltanschauung" I found powerless and unfocused, a clear downstep for Nokturnal Mortum, but I've never been their fiercest advocate to say the least.
Nay, dude, nay. The new Drudkh is very good. "Eternal Sun" is absolutely smashing. I can understand that the fact that the record sounds more like Astrofaes than "Autumn Aurora" might have been a disappointment for some, but I do think that "The Swan Road" is at least as good as "Autumn Aurora".
well i did only listen to it once, but the vocals and riffs were just blah.

i think i was looking for AAII though.
Henrik Main said:
Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne

Haven't heard

Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung

A decent album. Although I find I'm listening to it less and less lately. I think I'd enjoy it a lot more if I wasn't already familiar with half the songs on it before first hearing it.

Drudkh - The Swan Road

I like it. You cannot deny that the guitar solos are pure unadulterated genius. Gets a little tedius at times though.

Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal

*coughcough*2004Release*cough* Great album. Beats out most of their early releases. The Depths of the Past wins hard.

Hate Forest - Sorrow

I'd like it a whole lot better if the songs didn't suddenly start and stop. Would it have killed them to at least fade out the songs? Other than that it's decent. Not their best work though. For that I'll refer everyone to "Purity"

Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis
Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture
Vile - The New Age Of Chaos

Haven't heard them.
MajestikMøøse said:
I'd like it a whole lot better if the songs didn't suddenly start and stop. Would it have killed them to at least fade out the songs? Other than that it's decent. Not their best work though. For that I'll refer everyone to "Purity"

I've seen several people complain about this. I, on the other hand, think it's pretty cool. It's like the songs are short bursts of brutality that stop as quickly as they start.
Ultimately, it's not too much of a problem but for some reason I find it a bit irritating... as if the song was immediately cut off before it was finished.
listening to the swan road again, i'd like to retract my previous "doodoo" statement. :)

the vocals are still pretty shite though, but hopefully won't get too in the way. i think the mp3s i have were ripped from the vinyl, does the cd give them such an upfront mix?
I can only comment on the blood red throne album and all I can say is that after 6-7 listens, I got bored with it. Riffs are bland and all sound a lot alike. Drumming is what you could expect from any death metal bands. Vocals are okay, though they become old fast. They just tried to play so damn fast... I lost interest pretty quickly.
AsModEe said:
I can only comment on the blood red throne album and all I can say is that after 6-7 listens, I got bored with it. Riffs are bland and all sound a lot alike. Drumming is what you could expect from any death metal bands. Vocals are okay, though they become old fast. They just tried to play so damn fast... I lost interest pretty quickly.

Hm, that's the complete opposite of what happened to me. I thought it was rather disappointing at first, considering how awesome their previous albums are. However, it grew on me A LOT, and I now consider it the finest album released in 2005 (thus far).
okay so i just listened to the swan road all the way through.

it's really fucking good, i wonder what i didn't like about it 6 months ago other than the vocals.
Henrik Main said:
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
One of the best of the year. I'd wanted them to go more in this direction, and as I thought, it rules.

Henrik Main said:
Drudkh - The Swan Road
Not as good as AA but still not given enough credit. I might actually put it above FL.

Henrik Main said:
Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal
I've heard a good bit of their material and I actually think this was their best.

Henrik Main said:
Hate Forest - Sorrow
Disappointment of the year for me. After Battlefields I hoped they stay with a similar sound but they devolved with this album.

Henrik Main said:
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis
I haven't heard much of this yet but from I have...I was bored. I find that odd because I was a huge fan of their first two albums.
Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne- havent heard it
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung- very awesome, one of the years best
Drudkh - The Swan Road- great, but possibly their weakest
Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal- see above
Hate Forest - Sorrow- havent heard yet
Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence- see above
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not- insane. Best release since None so Vile.
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis- I have yet to check this band out
Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture - Same as above
Vile - The New Age Of Chaos- havent heard yet
Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne - Not heard
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung - Excellent
Drudkh - The Swan Road - Good
Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal - Good
Hate Forest - Sorrow - Good
Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence - Not heard
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not - Very good
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Good
Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture - Not heard
Vile - The New Age Of Chaos - Not heard
Horna is propably their best album, but only if you get vinyl-version, since the tracklist differs A LOT.


1. Vihan Tie
2. Musta Temppeli
3. Piina
4. Vala Pedolle
5. Kirous ja Malja
6. Pohjanportti
7. Zythifer
8. Haudanvarjo
9. Saastainen Kaste
10. Kuoleva Lupaus
11. Sieluhaaska
12. Marraskuussa
13. Menneiden Kaiku


01. Vihan Tie
02. Musta Temppeli
03. Vala Pedolle
04. Kirous ja Malja
05. Saastainen Kaste
06. Kuoleva Lupaus
07. Zythifer
08. Kuilunhenki