Power metal fans, recommend me some power metal


Nov 6, 2005
I really like power metal, but I don't have that much in my collection. I like the cheesy stuff (Manowar, Lost Horizon, Sonata Arctica), and the thrashier stuff (Grave Digger, Slough Feg).

Recommend me albums that you think I'd like.:kickass:

edit: And how could I forget Blind Guardian?
Crystal Eyes ---- very catchy upbeat stuff. Really catchy. Members change i this band like crazy but they keep improving with each disc. one of the better power metal acts out there. Singer from Lost Horizon did an album with them.

Freedom Call --- major upbeat catchy as hell. If you like Gamma Ray style...this is worth picking up. I recommend the first two disc.

Dark Moor- Rhapsody style power metal. The first three disc has a gret female vocalist who sounds so much like the singer from Rhapsody. She went on to Fairyland and Dreamaker.

Elvenking - folk power metal. hands down one of the greatest bands ever.

Celesty - crazy ass power metal. Tons of great keyboards. In the vein of Faster paced Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica.

Power Quest - incredibly catchy upbeat high vocals with anthem type songs.

Sabaton - great rough power metal. Imagine a catchy Grave Digger. All the songs seem to be about WW2.

Nightmare - very rough vocals with some high parts. Very heavy power.

Rebellion - any disc is great. Imagine Barlow from Iced Earth singing for Grave Digger.
Olympos Mons - great symphonic power metal. Vocals remind me of Falconer a bit. No high pitched wailing. Very clean vocals.

Dionysus - vocalist from the Luca Turrili CD's other band. Great upbeat catchy stuff. The newest one is the weakest of the three they have out.
Crystal Eyes ---- very catchy upbeat stuff. Really catchy. Members change i this band like crazy but they keep improving with each disc.

heh... I still like World of Black and Silver the best by them, although the rest isn't bad either. don't like Daniel Hymen, myself, so I skipped that disc.
I would comment a lot in this thread, but Diabolik is probably the expert for this forum on this subject so I will leave it to him, and keep it to a minimum.........

If you like Grave Digger, make sure to check out Rage and Running Wild.

Also, if you like heavier, more trad metal sounding stuff, then WOLF from Sweden is a must.

Finally, since someone mentioned Brainstorm, Metalium are a solid band too, featuring the original vocalist of Brainstorm.
A band that is no longer around that I really enjoyed is Tunnelvision. They released 2 CD's, While the Wolrd Awaits and Tomorrow. Tomorrow is one of the best I've heard. A nice combination of power and some prog elements towards the end of it. A couple of members of that band are now in Thunderstone, I believe.
Let's see...bands that haven't been mentioned yet, that I feel are necessary staples:
Falconer (eh, folk/power)
Rhapsody (of Fire :P)

And some bands that should be checked out on general principle:
Vision Divine
Symphony X

Let's see...bands that haven't been mentioned yet, that I feel are necessary staples:
Falconer (eh, folk/power)
Rhapsody (of Fire :P)

And some bands that should be checked out on general principle:
Vision Divine
Symphony X


You have good taste Orb, although I thought the last Hammerfall album I bought was a little weak. Chapter 5 unbent,unbowed,unbroken.
One of the better cheesy power metal bands is definitely Rhapsody (screw the "of Fire" bullshit...they will always be just Rhapsody to me :p).

I recommend the first two albums ("Legendary Tales" & "Symphony of Enchanted Lands")...anything after that gets really boring because it's all the same rehashed material. :p

On the topic of HF and their newest album:

I actually liked Chapter V better than Threshold. I think the order I'd place the albums in would be
Legacy of Kings
Glory to the Brave
Crimson Thunder (tie with) Renegade
Chapter V