Power Quest - St Albans Roll Call!


New Metal Member
Hi everyone,

Was just wondering who's going to the show in st albans! Heared a rumor that since PQ booked their purple turtle gig in london everyones going to that one instead! lol. Will i be the only one there?!?! I'll probably go to both anyway because they are so close together.


I can't go to St. Albans because I'm from right down South. That means I have to be back at Waterloo station for 11:45, which is cutting it too fine when I'll see them in Southampton & probably London.
Curse you southern jessies and your plentiful PQ tour dates, everyone knows that the icey grim biting winds of the north will blow PQ our way soon :rock: Or something like that anyway :D I study up in St Andrews so I'm 209 miles from the nearest one :S
I got a ticket for the Colchester gig. Its the most practicle for me being a friday night and considering i live in Scotland! Will try and get to more as long as i don't have uni exams :( Theres no chance im missing the quest this time round!
Steve, if you fancy giving me a few flyers, I'll give them to some local people to get them to So'ton. I think if I give them it on something they'll be more likely to remember :lol:

Sorry I can't help with St. Albans! Still trying to see if there's any way I can get to London...