Powerfest is in a week

and every last one of you Friday-goers better be at my acoustic set to sound the gong :tickled:

I literally think it's you, Bob (Diabolik), and I, as far as the regulars go....

Maybe Rachel (Shadowlioness), and Jose (Saladbar).

Where is Dan (Danimal), Ken (Metalprof), etc, etc........?

Hell yeah, I'll be there!!! Like there is a question...:loco:

As far as the rest of Eden's Fall... Me and Ray are going all three nights and have a hotel booked. John is part of the crew so will be there all 3 days too. Tony is going 1 or 2 days and Aron might show up on Friday.

I am leaving work around 4 on Thursday, heading straight to the Pearl Room and will not leave until Sunday afternoon when my hangover allows me to drive again :grin:
Where is Dan (Danimal), Ken (Metalprof), etc, etc........?

Here I am! :wave:

Unfortunately, excursions onto the internet are the only excursions I'll be making anytime soon. I'm still affected by whatever strange illness I've had since the start of the year and every time I think it might be going away, it comes back to knock me off my feet again.

So, at least one of you folks are going to have to have twice as much fun as you would otherwise, to make up for my absence. Of all the stuff going on next weekend, its the ND acoustic set that I'm bummed the most about missing.

Someone have a beer for me, too. I've only had one since January 5th. Sigh. I miss beer.

Fuck Ken that sucks that you aren't coming, I don't think I've ever been to a Powerfest without you there. I hope you get better soon and I hope whatever you have is nothing serious.

I'll have a Guinness for you buddy.
yeah and get better soon metalprof! at least in time to get that guinness yourself the next time ND will be playing :)
Ken I hope you are able to get over this illness very soon, it'll be a shame to not have you there this weekend. Get well!

Oh and pssst, to everyone going to the fest......a certain tall dark haired guitarist who you all know just turned 27, I think we need to have a birthday bash for him in his hotel room during Powerfest! Let's get him drunk and find some crazy metal wench to give him some love, LOL....
Ken - Get well soon my friend. It will be weird to not see you at a ND gig.

For others not in attendance, Jasonic's legendary crappy cell phone pics will be posted soon following.
Sorry to hear you're still fighting an ailment Ken. Take care of yourself. :) I think my liver may cave after all of the extra beer I'll be drinking for folks not attending this year.

I haven't forgotten about a certain dark-haired guitarist. Celebration will ensue...I won't have cake...but I'll have homemade cookies!