Powerfest Review


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I will write more later.
I just wanted to get the setlists up, as I am sure that will be of interest to those who could not attend.

Silent Tomorrow
Through A Child's Eyes
Twilight Innocence
If Forever
Leaving This

Drown The Inland Mere
Empathy's Greed
Autumn Reflection
Lazarus Regret
Pale Haunt Departure
I won't lie, the show (both sets) wound up being a bit of a clusterfuck for us. Seemed to be the evening of never-ending technical problems. We were hurried doing the soundcheck for the acoustic set, and things weren't balanced properly especially in our monitors. This caused problems as you can imagine, at various points (such as during "If Forever") we had a really hard time being able to hear each other. People out front said it sounded pretty decent overall, so that's good. But it just sucks because it affected our performances for us personally, and I know I wasn't able to really get into the moment as much as I'd have liked to because of it.

Same goes with the electric set. Our sound out front was amazing, but there was some issues with hearing things properly onstage. Everything from monitor level issues to my channel switcher going wacky on me, to finally at the end the keyboard backing tracks coming through the p.a. improperly due to the laptop accidentally being knocked over at the end of "Pale Haunt.." It was just "one of those nights", and we did the best we could. Thankfully again the overall consensus seemed to be that people enjoyed the show regardless, I just wish the enjoyment could've been had equally as much by us onstage. But that's the risk of playing on a festival type show, where you have to hurriedly get up and get offstage in order to keep the show running smoothly time-wise and such. We still had some fun and we're quite thankful for the opportunity to play on the fest. Plus it was a good chance to get to play some of the new material for everyone, and the reaction seemed to be pretty positive!

It seems like hometown shows for ND always results in some kind of technical problems/issues, so I guess we're getting used to it....it's the home-town curse or something, LOL! But as long as people enjoyed it then we're happy.
larry, the clicktrack was only audible from the monitors. paul told me what happened after your set, and i was surprised.

currently sitting at the mokena train station, still feel drunk. oi.
Over all I had fun both nights ( Thurs and Sat ). I was not thrilled with the line up for Powerfest but went to see Nov Doom and support the fest. It was great seeing people I havent talked to in a while and such.

I loved the idea of the lounge and thought it worked well but there were a few issues. I wish they closed the doors during the bands playing time since the other bands sound was coming through and WHY WERE PEOPLE TALKING THROUGHT THE SET!!!!! Christ....go farther back or to the bar area. People were just having these jolly ole conversations during the set. Definetly ruined the enviroment and feeling. Still cool overall and a theme I hope they keep next year. They should have some smaller bands playing normal sets there though instead of all acoustic. Make 1 acoustic set each night to make it more special.

Diamond Plate were amazing. If these guys sound this good after their testicals drop....they are going to be big. One of the few bands that know how to play thrash like it is supposed to be played. Lots of great hooks and stuff. Everyone in the place liked them. I would love to see these guys play to a packed room and see everyone going nuts for them.

Luna Mortis......well after years of hype from thier shows at the Mid West Metal Anthem and now on Century Media...I expected a little bit more. Maybe like 6 or 7 years ago I would have been excited. Just to generic for a man of my exotic taste.

Gwynleidd...great band...I had thier EP for a month and it is really good, picked up the new disc that morning before the show. I cant figure out why they just played bits of songs and stuff. Going into this...wouldnt you try and just make acoustic versions of your regular songs? If I was a casual person just sitting there watching without any knowledge of their music...I would have passed. Knowing how good they are I stayed.

Novembers Doom acoustic was good. I was more bummed by all the distractions. The regular set was really good....I really liked the new songs alot. Cant wait for the disc. That "Lazarus" song was really good. You guys won over some new fans I think. The best thing heard before the set by some Devildriver types....One guy goes...what do these guys sound like? Freind says...hardcore. Then the into comes on...No, as I remebers they are total death metal or goth. It was funny. It is like...just shut up. People in the crowd really enjoyed you guys a lot.

After that...it was time to go.

One thing....why do people at fest try to sell things for retail price???? You wont sell anything. At fest I expect to see things cheaper in hopes to get stuff I wouldnt regularly buy. At Milwauke Metalfest I picked up so much stuff because people had deals and cheap disc. Diamond Plate had it right...5 buck disc.

All in all. I had a great time. It was fun seeing everyone and hanging out. Both nights just zoomed by though. I skipped friday...it was my cats birthday and I had to work also.
I unfortunately missed Will's set due to the B.S. that went on with the main stage lineups and times. Sorry dude, but it was nice to finally meet you briefly. I missed Earthen Grave as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed the acoustic set, despite the issues you guys were having up there. At least you can take it with a grain of salt and laugh about it! I did miss most of "If Forever" due to me having to jet to the restroom. It was either that or have an accident on the couch next to Bob, haha.

Live set was awesome and I totally agree about "Lazerus"...what a killer tune!

I only took live pics of Paganfest. Security started to be, well, dicks on Friday and made a stink about using flash when I was trying to shoot Assailant. Whatever, after that I gave up taking any more live shots. Here's a couple pertinent to the board:


Jason, me and Bob:
man, I really wish I had been there. I live all the way out in NH so I couldnt go. I really wat to hear the new tune now :(
Bob summed up a lot of my thoughts as well.

The acoustic set was special to me, as I heard 4 tunes live I had never heard live before.
The triple harmony ending to Leaving This was extremely epic!!!
The lounge was cool, but what pissed me off is that no one closed the doors when bands on the main stage started.
Something to keep in mind for next year.

The electric set was great. To be honest, the 2 new songs were probably the most solid of the night!
I am sure it has a lot to do with the fact that any band is stoked to play new material.
Lazarus crushes. Nothing else to say. Can't wait for the disc.
As far as tech difficulties, the only thing I can add is that the drums outpowered everything during the electric set.

Sasha is a beast!!! When he was wearing the headphones during the set, all I could think of was Otto from the Simpsons!
Glad you guys liked the new tunes. We're definitely eager to be able to play more of the new songs live, once the cd is out and people are familiar with them. The two new songs sounding "tighter" might be in part due to our enthusiasm, but also probably because those songs have been played so much recently and the main focus for us, having spent alot of time rehearsing them for the cd recording and all. Plus I don't doubt that Sasha felt a bit more at ease playing the songs he helped write. He's still getting a feel for the older tunes, and considering this was his first gig with us ever, I think he did a great job.

I had a really good time at the Powerfest all three days. It was fun just hanging out and talking to people and seeing bands play, etc. I particularly enjoyed BlackGuard, Primordial, Mindwarp Chamber, Diamond Plate, Cycle Of Pain, Kiuas, Soil and Devildriver. Other bands like Luna Mortis and Gwynbleidd I had to miss due to running around getting ready for our sets. I also was totally stoked to see the Earthen Grave acoustic set, where they did a great rendition of Trouble's "At The End Of My Daze", with Rachel performing the guitar solos and harmonies perfectly on her violin. That was fuckin' great.

First I've heard about the "drums overpowering" everything during the electric set. I did hear that the drums were powerful but most people seemed to think we had some of the best sound of the whole fest, mix-wise. I'm really glad that noone could really hear the accidental click track coming through the monitors. For a moment there with that clicking cowbell coming through I felt like fuckin' Blue Oyster Cult!! That's why I said, "more cowbell!" in the mic when that happened. At that point I just gave up, I told Sasha to just play a grind beat, and I threw my guitar about 8 feet in the air and let it drop. When I throw my guitar, you know I'm not pleased, lol. Makes for a climactic ending though!

The guitar is fine, btw. It's been through worse.

Oh, to top it all off, when carrying my amp head and stuff offstage, I tripped in the dark backstage over one of Vito's guitar cases, and wound up fucking up my right leg pretty good. That's why I wasn't around for quite a while after our set, I was sitting in the backstage area with ice on my leg. My friend Becca is a therapist and came backstage and checked it out, said it looked like a strained a ligament or something. It still kinda hurts but not too terribly. It just kinda capped off a somewhat frustrating evening!

I really can't wait until the new cd is released and we can get up onstage with a whole new setlist, I think we'll be a different beast next time we play, you'll see. From now on we're going to endeavor to troubleshoot as many of these potential "technical difficulties" as possible beforehand! But like I said before, at a fest when everything is under a time crunch and kinda manic, you just never know what'll happen.

pic from acoustic set

both shows were amazing. my second time seeing novembers doom (first time was powerfest 07 and it was the first time i'd heard anything by them), so it really felt like a privilege to see them live again with a heavy setlist that included some of my favorite songs and fucking killer new stuff, as well as a really intimate and wonderful acoustic set.
Saturday night made me realize something.

A Novembers Doom headlining show is LONG overdue!!!

I think the last local ND headline set was December 2006, at Lot 4.

I am sure everyone hears something different in the mix, depending where you are standing. I was about 3 rows back, on the Chris / Vito side.