Powerfest Review

Gwynleidd...great band...I had thier EP for a month and it is really good, picked up the new disc that morning before the show. I cant figure out why they just played bits of songs and stuff. Going into this...wouldnt you try and just make acoustic versions of your regular songs? If I was a casual person just sitting there watching without any knowledge of their music...I would have passed. Knowing how good they are I stayed.

thanks for that remark, it makes total sense to me. We made a decision going in that we won't just take songs with death metal-like riffing and play them on acoustics - we suspect that would sound like crap. Another problem was - our music is mostly dominated by growl vocals rather than clean - so what were we supposed to do with that.. growl over acoustics?

I thought that the only way it would make sense for us to do acoust again would be if the room was filled with people who already know our music, know what we're about, who then can get the "bonus" of having seen us take a different approach. This unfortunately is not where we are today, so.. lesson learned, and we move on. No more acoustic sets for a long time.

We did have a lot of fun at the fest though, glad we got to be part of the Chicago Powerfest experience. I can only wish that come next year we will be back on the main stage delivering Gwynbleidd music as it was intended.

I did catch ND's both sets. Acoustic set was greatly impacted by the other band starting to play on the main stage.. this did not really work well from that standpoint. As to the main stage performance, I though your mix was quite good. I definitely was hearing everything loud and clear. If I would have to pick at something I thought guitars could use a touch more definition, but that would be nitpicking, and I although I know that maybe the monitoring led you to believe things were worse, front of the house was there delivering.
out of curiosity....how did you guys get booked for the acoustic thing when it isnt really your thing?

By the way....the new disc is great. Was listening to it last night.

we thought it would be an interesting thing to do, and I'm glad we did it. But yeah, you're not going to win over many new fans doing an acoustic set at a metal festival :)

glad you're digging Nostalgia
"A Novembers Doom headlining show is LONG overdue!!!"

Unfortunately, I have yet to see NDOOM live, but I feel like anything other than a headlining set would just give me blue bawls because of the mass amounts of material I want to hear.
Either way, I'm excited to see you guys regardless of set length
Doing headlining shows here in the States is tougher to pull off due to lack of support compared to Europe. But I agree that it's getting harder and harder for us to do a really satisfactory set of tunes with less than 45 minutes, especially once this new album comes out. I can easily think of four tunes from the new disc that we'll want to do (at least), plus old favorites from the last few discs. I'd say at least a 50 minute set is necessary to cover the ground we need to. Thankfully songs like "Rain" and "Lazarus Regret" are both fairly short in length so that helps squeeze more tunes in.
NDOOM is on the top of my "bands I need to see live list" So I am despritly hopeing you guys will get on tour soon! I am currently watching the novela vosalier right now and it is just making me want to see you guys more!!
Doing headlining shows here in the States is tougher to pull off due to lack of support compared to Europe. But I agree that it's getting harder and harder for us to do a really satisfactory set of tunes with less than 45 minutes, especially once this new album comes out. I can easily think of four tunes from the new disc that we'll want to do (at least), plus old favorites from the last few discs. I'd say at least a 50 minute set is necessary to cover the ground we need to. Thankfully songs like "Rain" and "Lazarus Regret" are both fairly short in length so that helps squeeze more tunes in.

If you did a nicely built headlining show with strong support you would definetly draw in a crowd. Having bands like Agalloch, Gwynebleeid, and even bands like Gates of Slumber (even though I am not a fan) would be a nice solid line up. With the right amount of push behind it and it not being at the Pearl Room and having it in the city....it would do fairly well. A place like Reggies would be great. Think about it.
It's not a matter of "thinking about it", it's more a matter of getting it to actually happen. Like we've discussed here before, booking tours or even just decent local shows here is alot more difficult than we'd like. And while we've been happy to play with the bands you mentioned above and gladly would again, I think the truth is that a tour with that kind of lineup would draw very low numbers here, or at least in the eyes of most tour promoters, it wouldn't be a big enough draw. Trust me, we've looked into it MANY times, lol. Right now we're looking into some options and possibilities to get ourselves out on the road in the U.S. again, even if it's in a support role which would be fine really.

A Reggie's gig would be great, agreed. Again, we have looked into it and it's just a matter of getting certain things taken care of logistically to make it happen. We're very picky about when, where, etc., in terms of playing here in Chicago. We've done enough shitty gigs here over the last twenty years, which is why we are happy to take advantage of getting to play good gigs like Powerfest when they come along. I can't make any promises but I think it's a safe bet that we'll be doing more midwest shows sometime soon in support of the new disc sometime after it's released.
That is good to hear but the main issue with local shows is that people just treat them like local shows. You need to build around the show and make it something cool. With a solid support and a good place like Reggies or even the new Bottom Lounge. You guys could pull off a great show with a nice size crowd. With getting a great undercard you will definetly draw in people from out of town.

Having been involved in the behind the scenes of getting shows going and booking. It is a tough thing but with the right aspects all in line....it would be a good thing. The key is NOT to play it at the Pearl Room. Basically people who would go are the ones who just go there. You definetly need to expand and play Chicago....there are lots of people who cant get out that way, people forget there is a whole different crowd down here. Back in the ole punk days there was this band Screeching Weasel who are from this area....they had the same philosphy as you guys with doing shows. They only did them at certain times. it was great because when they played it was a rare thing and people came from all areas to see the show. Booking local shows as of late has been lazy. People just get Band A to headline and then pack on 5 locals no one has heard of and then they never flyer or advertise.....then wonder why no one showed up. of the show is booked at a real club...say Reggies. A solid support act or two under you guys with the right promotion.....it WILL be a big show. Beleive me. One thing I do know....it is what sells. the Big Mac....my idea.

The key is not just making it just a show. bands need to make it an event each time. make is something special so people will want to see it. I get sick of bands who do the same set but maybe change over 2 songs. There have been a few shows I have skipped because of this.

Hopefully things happen and you guys play the Chicago area soon.
Well, there are even enough solid local bands to make a decent Chicago gig.

I would think a Novembers Doom / Sacred Dawn / Earthen Grave /These Are They / etc. gig would draw decent.

I mean, it's been a while since you guys did a headlining gig. Maybe the first one or two wouldn't be sell outs, but I think the combination of the new album promotion and other local bands would help.

Lots of local venues (Nite Cap, Penny Road Pub, etc) where I would think a good gig could be pulled off.
In other news...........
Bob hates the Pearl Room and venturing outside the city for shows!!! :lol:

All kidding aside, he makes some good points.

Maybe ALEHORN again this year would be cool. That would be a month or so after the new disc comes out, so timing would be perfect.
Good to see you again. Hope you and Jasonic can make it to the Primal Fear/Athiest/Novembers Doom show in MN.

Hey man! Sorry I missed you Thursday.
With family, etc, I really could only get away for one of the nights.
Had to go with the day ND played.

I would love to go to Nathan's gig.
I think he is on the right track with the pairing of bands thus far.
Hard to say being actually "ON" Labor Day ,plus having work the next day. Would be a last minute decision for sure.
Well, there are even enough solid local bands to make a decent Chicago gig.

I would think a Novembers Doom / Sacred Dawn / Earthen Grave /These Are They / etc. gig would draw decent.

I mean, it's been a while since you guys did a headlining gig. Maybe the first one or two wouldn't be sell outs, but I think the combination of the new album promotion and other local bands would help.

Lots of local venues (Nite Cap, Penny Road Pub, etc) where I would think a good gig could be pulled off.

I dont think you read it right.....you are saying just book another local show with local acts. The same 40 people would be there. You need to make it something worth coming to.
You know NiteCaps is fun and all (and really close to my house) that but its just not the place that I would want to see ND at, there are plenty of venues in the city that would be better: Metro, Double Door, Reggies, Portage Theater, The Bottom Lounge, Martyrs, Electronic Playground, Joes on Weeds st.
I dont think you read it right.....you are saying just book another local show with local acts. The same 40 people would be there. You need to make it something worth coming to.

I know what you were saying.
I was just saying that I think there are now in the past couple of years more local bands cropping up of varying styles (IE - Mindwarp Chamber, Sacred Dawn, Earthen Grave, Diamond Plate, etc). You get a variety of these bands, and you will cross crowds. So, even if each might normally with unknown locals draw 50 friends, if you combine fans from different genres, you could get a larger draw.

One example I can think of was that all-day show in Wheaton in the summer of 2005. This was the first ND show I saw actually. It had solid bands from many different genres (IE - Nov Doom, Twelfth Gate, Disinter, etc.) I am not sure what the total attendance was, as being in a theater, people were spread out all over all day, but there had to have been at least 200, if not more.
You know NiteCaps is fun and all (and really close to my house) that but its just not the place that I would want to see ND at, there are plenty of venues in the city that would be better: Metro, Double Door, Reggies, Portage Theater, The Bottom Lounge, Martyrs, Electronic Playground, Joes on Weeds st.

I wish Metro was more metal friendly...........
It's not a matter of "thinking about it", it's more a matter of getting it to actually happen. Like we've discussed here before, booking tours or even just decent local shows here is alot more difficult than we'd like. And while we've been happy to play with the bands you mentioned above and gladly would again, I think the truth is that a tour with that kind of lineup would draw very low numbers here, or at least in the eyes of most tour promoters, it wouldn't be a big enough draw. Trust me, we've looked into it MANY times, lol. Right now we're looking into some options and possibilities to get ourselves out on the road in the U.S. again, even if it's in a support role which would be fine really.

A Reggie's gig would be great, agreed. Again, we have looked into it and it's just a matter of getting certain things taken care of logistically to make it happen. We're very picky about when, where, etc., in terms of playing here in Chicago. We've done enough shitty gigs here over the last twenty years, which is why we are happy to take advantage of getting to play good gigs like Powerfest when they come along. I can't make any promises but I think it's a safe bet that we'll be doing more midwest shows sometime soon in support of the new disc sometime after it's released.

We generally draw between 400-600 when we play here in Portland, depending on day of the week it is. Since we have never played Chicago AND we appear to have a ton of fans in the midwest who seem willing to travel, do you still think an Agalloch/Nov Doom/etc (maybe Velnias?) Chicago gig would be a failure if it was on a weekend?

We've been debating whether a one-off gig in Chicago is worth it since we'd have to fly there...

We generally draw between 400-600 when we play here in Portland, depending on day of the week it is. Since we have never played Chicago AND we appear to have a ton of fans in the midwest who seem willing to travel, do you still think an Agalloch/Nov Doom/etc (maybe Velnias?) Chicago gig would be a failure if it was on a weekend?

We've been debating whether a one-off gig in Chicago is worth it since we'd have to fly there...


John Haughm knows of Velnias? :O Awesome! Finally someone else mentions them. But yeah, that lineup would be amazing, but it probably would be after I move :/