Powerfest Review

Hey...wasnt trying to say that you dont know what you are doing. It just makes my head spin that there are bands that have played great shows like this horrible Milwaukke band that opened up for Therion at HOB, and others in the same situation while you guys seem to get the shaft. Having been involved in putting shows together years back...I know what it takes and stuff. With metal currently on the rebound in popularity....it just stinks that people are still scared to book it. I know at Reggies they do metal shows. The had Nachmystsm, M.O.D., and a few others in the past few months there. it seems like they are more willing to get on board with different genres.

Beleive me...if I had the time to pull this off...I would try. I would definetly help spread the word and get flyers out and stuff if it happened. Not trying to step on peoples feet. In this economy new shoes are expensive.

Well aware of Reggies. It's somewhere we've already looked into.

In regards of that band who opened for Therion you mentioned, I know that they were asked specifically by whomever was handling that particular show to be the opening act. The local promoters here rarely think of us for these situations, and then when they do often it's a "hey why don't you come play for free and you get a 25 minute set?!" - kind of situation, which we're not too interested in.

Well look, to kinda put an end (hopefully) to this debate, I will say this....we are currently making plans to get out and play shows in support of the new cd. I can't say when or with whom or where all we're gonna go yet, because I don't have those details. But once we do, we'll let you guys know. I can't promise that we'll be playing with your "dream bands" or at your favorite club or anything like that. But we're gonna do our best to get out there and put on a good show, and if it appeals to you then cool, and if it doesn't meet your standards then oh well. I mean there's not much else we can really say or do than that, y'know?
The local promoters here rarely think of us for these situations, and then when they do often it's a "hey why don't you come play for free and you get a 25 minute set?!" - kind of situation, which we're not too interested in.

Larry, I know you wanted to end this topic, but I do have to ask a question.

Would you guys turn down opening for a band like Therion at the House of Blues, even if there was no pay? Wouldn't that be a great opportunity to play in front of people who haven't seen ND? I would think at a show like that, you have more open minded younger kids who also are eager to purchase merch. Just a thought....... Might stink to get a short set and no pay, but could benefit long term. Play a show like that, and then you have more people in the pool to be interested in seeing your next headlining local gig at a smaller venue.
Well aware of Reggies. It's somewhere we've already looked into.

In regards of that band who opened for Therion you mentioned, I know that they were asked specifically by whomever was handling that particular show to be the opening act. The local promoters here rarely think of us for these situations, and then when they do often it's a "hey why don't you come play for free and you get a 25 minute set?!" - kind of situation, which we're not too interested in.

Well look, to kinda put an end (hopefully) to this debate, I will say this....we are currently making plans to get out and play shows in support of the new cd. I can't say when or with whom or where all we're gonna go yet, because I don't have those details. But once we do, we'll let you guys know. I can't promise that we'll be playing with your "dream bands" or at your favorite club or anything like that. But we're gonna do our best to get out there and put on a good show, and if it appeals to you then cool, and if it doesn't meet your standards then oh well. I mean there's not much else we can really say or do than that, y'know?

We are going to try to set something up in Chicago with our killer booking guy. Maybe October...ish. We have much better luck doing this stuff ourselves with our guy (who is quite good at getting us what we want). We'll let you know in private what we come up with and then see if you are interested. We'll do our best to make this a special evening where there are 4 bands *at most* on the bill total and you guys will get an hour if not more and get paid. This is part of our demands when dealing with promoters/venues as we prefer to pick the bands we play with and then treat them well.

If he gets the cold shoulder then, well... fuck it. We'll just go back to playing in the Pacific Northwest and Europe. No biggie. We just know that we have a big following in the Midwest so it would be nice and different for us to play there. Eventually I'd like to do another East Coast jaunt...but that's another monster for another time.

To be continued...

Would you guys turn down opening for a band like Therion at the House of Blues, even if there was no pay?

Jason Not trying to be a dick here, just making a strong point...

Would you go to your job and work for free?

Understand, there are PLENTY of Chicago whores who do this all the time, and now, when ever a club needs an opening act they know will eat shit, and ask for seconds, they have their list of shit eating whores to choose from. We are not on that list, and never will be. This is also why bands like Novembers Doom and Agalloch tour Europe, and play festivals. We're picky about where and who we play with. A band is treated as they are perceived, and I refuse to THAT band who begs and pleads to open for a opening spot with a national band, only to sell tickets, and help sweep the floors at the end of the night, just to feel like the promoter did us a favor. Sorry, we have more self respect then that.

We've paid our dues, for a lot of years, and I think we've earned the right to be picky. We sell enough CDs and we draw well enough where SOMEONE is making money off of us, we're better off setting up our own shows and controlling the outcome.

Think of this as well... When you come to see Novembers Doom, you want us to sound the very best we can. This ONLY happens with a proper show, with a FULL SOUND CHECK. Listen to the DVD audio. THAT'S how we should sound live. Without sound check, opening for a national act, with a half assed line check, we will never sound as good as we should, and dealing with countless technical difficulties hurts our performance. So playing in front of new fans and sounding shitty can do more harm then good. I'd much rather set up properly and CRUSH for our fans, then eat shit, and sound like ass for a room full of Therion fans who will think we're too heavy anyway. :lol:

And John, if we do a show here with you guys, it WILL be done right. That's the only way it happens.
Jason Not trying to be a dick here, just making a strong point...

Would you go to your job and work for free?

We've paid our dues, for a lot of years, and I think we've earned the right to be picky.

No, you aren't being a dick at all......

I know you guys paid your dues, but as we know, ND is a lot more popular in Europe and other parts of the world than right here in the Midwest.

This was why I suggested taking an opening slot for a touring band, even if the pay was crap, for potential long term gain.

If that meant that other accomodations would suffer, such as extremely short set time or lack of sound check, etc, then I totally see your point of possibly doing more harm than good.

I hope you guys know that all of us local fans want the best for you guys.
I can't tell you how many times I have said to myself and others, "Damn!!! ND would have been a perfect fit for this gig!!!"

Well, hopefully with the new album will come more publicity for ND, which will hopefully lead to more doors opening here in town.
I think in theory doing a gig opening for a band like Therion at HoB is a "cool thing" to do and yeah it might get us a bit of exposure, that's true. But as Paul said, what we've kinda discovered along the way is that it can do us harm as well, when we're getting up there with no soundcheck, rushed conditions, and a very short setlist, sometimes it can give new listeners a negative opinion. The only time I'm more gung-ho about something like this is when we're a part of a fest like Powerfest, where we know we'll be treated properly, or the rare occasions where we're playing with a national act whom we know or at least have made arrangements with in order to get the proper treatment we need sound-wise and so forth.
At this point though it really kinda boils down to us doing the shows that we feel mean something to us, it's not just about money or set-length but just something where we all feel like it'd be enjoyable to do.

It does bum us out now and then that we aren't more well received and well known here in the U.S., but truthfully speaking for myself at least, it doesn't bother me too much. Yes it's frustrating when we have a hard time getting certain promoters or people in the biz to show us some respect, but we've known for a long time now that our following and treatment in Europe was going to be alot stronger just based on the differences in the music scene and how things are handled and perceived over there. We're grateful for our U.S. following and any support we can get over here, but at this point I'm pretty clued in as to how things work in the biz here, and there's just alot of shit that I refuse to kowtow to.

Anyhow guys, do not fret, we very much want to get out and play to more people in the U.S. than before, we feel strongly about this upcoming cd of ours and we're really eager to push it as much as we can, and are willing to. Getting out to people not only here in the midwest but also on both coasts is something we really want to make happen and we're already looking into the possibilities. As I said before there's alot of red tape and bullshit that we have to deal with sometimes, unfortunately, but as soon as the right opportunities present themselves, we'll be there, and you'll be the first to know about it.

And John- the fans here are eagerly awaiting you guys, I can guarantee that much. Hopefully you and your booking guy can find the right club and persons here to make a killer show happen and have faith. I think we (ND) just tend to suffer from that hometown prejudice syndrome. Maybe we should start telling these clubs here we're from Belgium, they might be more eager to book us then LOL !!
You guys need to keep playing for at least 5 more years... that way I have time to start accumulating the funds to put on a show that involves NDOOM among other stellar bands. Until that fantastic day where I have the resources, I will patiently wait for MN metalfest and hope you come through again.
My personal review, regarding our performance (referring to the thread subject) ... It's likely if that happened again, I'd be arrested for murder.
Are you referring to the acoustic set? It seemed like he was fucking with your sound every 5 seconds... changing levels, vocal effects... Paul, you sounded like you were in a sewer at one point.