PPVI Cheers and Jeers

I would definitely say if it's going to be either hot or cold, make it cold. Besides the fact that it can't possibly get too cold in the venue, especially for people on the floor, you're not going to have people passing out if it's rather cool. Not that it happened, but it being hot is just a bigger deal than it being cold as I see it. If you're cold, put another layer on. There's not really much you can do if you're hot. I thought the temperature was fine sitting in the seats though, except for the really high up rows. We thought we had good seats until we realized it was going to be super stuffy up there.
JEERS: most of the bitching in this thread! Lemme explain, before I get bitched at myself.

I totally missed the guys moshing. Didn't even notice it. But if they were moshing next to me, I'd just clothesline the muthafucka. I don't waste time with moshers. If there's room to mosh, fine. But in such a small venue, hellfuck no. Next year, folks, if they're moshing and you don't like it, shuffle over. It's quite easy, AND diplomatic as well. If someone's a drunk and forces his way through the crowd like Burke's example, just tell security to drag his ass outta there, or drag his ass yourself. I'm sure the comraderie is strong enough that if one guy tries to drag his ass away, you'd all help and/or applaud him for it.

I thought the temperature was decent, but it surely depended on where you were. I'd expect it to be hot and sweaty and stinking down in the middle of the floor. You're surrounded by excited energetic people, for crap's sake! So no bitching allowed about that. Suck it up.

A lot of the performers said the air conditioning was really harsh on their voices. Lars from Manticora said it really affected him and he was really worried about his performance. I could believe the cold air was the reason Edu's voice wasn't too smooth. So I can understand wanting to keep the temperature warm in there.

Saved seats - yeah, there were legitimate saved seats, and there were those abusing priviledges. Sucks, but that shit happens. At ANY event.

Granada stolen-room scenario - did you pound the life outta the guy? At least give a fair ass-whupping? And I'd have DEMANED a refund of the cost of my stay there. No excuse. NONE. Especially the possibility of getting shit stolen FROM your room.

Bitching about the sound guy - I think he had one difficult job to keep up with these guys. Every band had different needs and scenarios, and different numbers of people on stage. I saw the keyboardist from, I think Orphaned Land, being very VERY grumpy on stage cuz he couldn't hear himself at all. He was giving some nasty looks at the sound guy on the side of the stage. Once he finally noticed him and turned up his monitors, the keyboardist was ecstatic with joy! In two seconds I saw him go from thoroughly pissed to BANGING his head off! So I'm gonna defend the sound guys, cuz their task is not one I envy. I have a difficult time trying to get a microphone to not feed back when we play. But whenever I noticed a voice not coming through, it was corrected by the next line or two, so it's not that the sound guy wasn't paying attention to his job, it's just DIFFICULT! He doesn't know each of these bands' songs note for note, and you can't expect him to get each guitar solo's volume perfect. Especially when you've got two shredders tag-teaming back and forth like Angra or Manticora. So give the poor guy a break. He had a busy busy job to keep up with incredible levels of talent and reputation.

Conception's bass player - Aww hell! How can ya complain about him? It was awesome! It's good to see bandmates having a genuinely good time on stage! He was active, entertaining, and fun! It's not gay and he wasn't kissing Khan... at the least, he's giving the crowd great photo opportunities! Why have a bunch of photos with only one guy in each picture?

"Too much prog on night one" - Picky picky picky! I didn't see too much prog, I saw too much GREAT music! Prog or power, I don't care, as long as it ROCKS. And besides, one could argue that the name of the event is Prog THEN Power USA. Stop being anal-retentive and enjoy the show.

I'll agree that the grandiose intro music for Angra and Strato were extreme. Have a 1:30 intro, and blast onto that stage. You could play those video screens while they're rocking, and achieve a kickass sensory overload instead of stalling for 10 minutes.

Holy crap.... my anti-bitchfest post turned itself into a bitchfest!!!
Joe-× said:
It's a metal show. If you're not hot and sweaty then maybe you are doing something wrong or you need to stay home in your perfectly temperature-regulated house and listen to CDs?Joe

what an ignorant response. PP takes a lot of energy to get through the entire weekend. i go to tons of shows, and this one wipes me out more than most. plus, if you get there at 4:00 each day like some, a little temperature control is greatly appreciated for the remaining 8-9 hours of the evening. if someone wants to be comfortable, why should you care?
clearly, there are too many cheers to mention without leaving out something deserving, so i'll just say cheers to almost every frigging thing, and get on to the more fun stuff - bitching and moaning.

• i think a lot of the jeers are right on the money. aside from the long intros for angra (which i could live with) and strat (which was just plain ridiculous... could anyone have really thought the crowd would enjoy sitting through a home movie based almost entirely on drunken finns mugging for the camera?), the real issue was how damn long they took to set up and sound check. i know they're the headliners and they have more equipment to change out, but everyone else pulled off setting up in about twenty minutes. it was simply bands trying to show that they had bigger dicks than those that came before them by taking forever, and after two solid days of drinking, rocking and sweating, an extra half hour at 11:30 on saturday night sucks the big one - especially because you can't leave your seat to go do anything since you don't know when the hell they're actually going to start.

• as for seat saving, it's not that tough to figure out - if you're going to wander about a bit, have someone in your group stay to save the seats. but a whole group walking around for an hour and leaving empty seats with stuff all over them is bullshit. that's the nature of general admission shows - if you completely vacate an area, chances are you won't get the seats back.

• next, i thought the mix was greatly improved saturday. it was dreadful for angra - with classically-based speed groups like that, every note is crucial. a muddy mix has a profoundly negative impact on the listening experience. as a big angra fan, i'm familiar enough with the songs that i could enjoy the show nonetheless, but no way would a casual fan have gotten much out of their performance because of the mix.

• i can't tell you how many times i've heard pro-moshers bitching about how they're just having fun, don't stifle their creativity, blah blah blah. eat me. when someone is paying a hundred bucks to watch a show, and they're, you know, ADULTS, they don't want some punkass that's mad at his mom banging into them unexpectedly, or worse still, knocking their wife into next week. grow up. if you need that badly to release aggression, go home and punch your clown. (and this doesn't even mention that anyone that moshes to stratovarius is a world-class tool.)

• finally, it would be nice if everyone would consider their body type before choosing an outfit. oh, the humanity.
Bryan316 said:
Granada stolen-room scenario - did you pound the life outta the guy? At least give a fair ass-whupping? And I'd have DEMANED a refund of the cost of my stay there. No excuse. NONE. Especially the possibility of getting shit stolen FROM your room.

As far as I know (and certainly Britt can complete the picture since it happened to him) security tossed the guy out on his a$$ and then hotel management gave Britt one night for free. While that's something, it wasn't enough in my opinion given the magnitude of such a screw up. It's like they're saying "ooops, sorry we put you in potential extreme danger there physically, mentally and/or financially, here's one night on us to make up for it." He should be refunded for his entire stay along with a personalized letter of apology from Best Western upper management.

Bryan316 said:
Conception's bass player - Aww hell! How can ya complain about him? It was awesome! It's good to see bandmates having a genuinely good time on stage! He was active, entertaining, and fun! It's not gay and he wasn't kissing Khan... at the least, he's giving the crowd great photo opportunities! Why have a bunch of photos with only one guy in each picture?

I agree with you for the most part, and I have no problem with being entertaining and fun on stage (hell, the guys from Edguy are fantastic examples of how effective this can be in making a show more entertaining), but I just thought (in my own opinion of course) that the Conception bassist was way over the top in the posing & fooling around, and I just thought it could've been toned down a bit that's all. Having said that, his bass playing was absolutely fine and as a whole Conception were amazing. :)
Glenn, of course. Glenn's crew. All the bands who busted their asses. The bartenders. 99% of the folks who attended the fest. The manager at the Granada who fired the dickhead security guard from the year before. All the chicks who wore corsetts. The genius who discovered what an awesome combination Red Bull & Grey Goose can be. The pilots who flew the planes I traveled on. The makers of Xanax. The guy who fell asleep in Britt's room (it made for good conversation all weekend). The CD vendors. Jenn the Queensryche chick.

Everyone whose (seriously) complaining. It's a Metal festival. Perhaps you should consider the opera.:loco:

Dark One said:
that the Conception bassist was way over the top in the posing & fooling around, and I just thought it could've been toned down a bit that's all. Having said that, his bass playing was absolutely fine and as a whole Conception were amazing. :)

Ingar was a great guy. He was so gracious for everything and had a hell of a time. I have never met a nicer Satanist is all my life.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Ingar was a great guy. He was so gracious for everything and had a hell of a time. I have never met a nicer Satanist is all my life.

Glenn H.

LOL! He definitely seemed like a nice person, and I also thought it was cool of him to acknowledge your efforts by toasting you multiple times on stage. That type of thing says a lot about his overall character for sure.

I'm actually curious about checking out his black metal band since I'm a fan of the genre.
Bryan316 said:
Granada stolen-room scenario - did you pound the life outta the guy? At least give a fair ass-whupping? And I'd have DEMANED a refund of the cost of my stay there. No excuse. NONE. Especially the possibility of getting shit stolen FROM your room.

I thought about laying a beat-down on the guy, but I settled down quickly and got security to deal with it. I don't need a lawsuit from the guy. In our court systems I could probably be sued for kicking the crap out of the drunk guy that had the gall to use my room to sleep his booze off. Plus, I might be opened up to some hate law violations since the guy was of a different ethnicity.

As for the refund it's still partly being worked on. I was comped for some things, but will be discussing it further with corporate. Hell who knows, maybe I'll get a lifetime pass ..... yeah right :)

you know...you are right. a friend of mine actually caught someone stealing his neighbors hubcaps at his apt complex and he f*cking kicked the guys ass.... then he ended up in jail for assault.... sometimes it just never works out....

DarkTide said:
I thought about laying a beat-down on the guy, but I settled down quickly and got security to deal with it. I don't need a lawsuit from the guy. In our court systems I could probably be sued for kicking the crap out of the drunk guy that had the gall to use my room to sleep his booze off. Plus, I might be opened up to some hate law violations since the guy was of a different ethnicity.

As for the refund it's still partly being worked on. I was comped for some things, but will be discussing it further with corporate. Hell who knows, maybe I'll get a lifetime pass ..... yeah right :)

Harvester said:
Ingar was a great guy. He was so gracious for everything and had a hell of a time. I have never met a nicer Satanist is all my life.

Glenn H.

I couldn't agree more. I talked with him extensively backstage during the fest and he was quite sincere and thankful for all the praise the band was getting. He had a great time and was absolutely stoked about the reunion.

Like they say, you can't judge a book by it's cover.
The vendors need to bring more Morgana Lefay discs to choose from!!! The discs are available on the vendor websites, but only a couple of vendors actually brought any and they were mostly all copies of the newest CD.
My only real, bona fide jeer is Angra and Stratovarius taking forever to set up...

And then not really delivering anything to justify the longer setup. There was no increase in sound quality at all. Pretty much the same as the other bands.

Cheers for everything else though. Yes, it was a little hot, but not unbearable. Yes, there are always little annoyances about seating and stuff(perhaps in the future make it reserved seating instead of general admission?), but it's so far superior to stifling clubs that are standing room only, which is how we usually see these bands. The sound was adequate. I noticed some issues, but nothing that was a show killer. I remember going to a Scorpions concert in 1993 and the sound was apalling. All bass, drums, and vocals, couldn't hear a note of guitars. And it never got corrected, all night. The sound folks obviously did the best they could and overall I'd give it a B. I think last year was a little better.
Bryan316 said:
I totally missed the guys moshing. Didn't even notice it.

because it was almost nothing; so short, and a "pit" (if you can call it that) of like 1 by 1 meter...nothing more...i dont know why people are making this such a big issue. And yes guys i hate moshing too, but i think seeing people mosh was better than seeing people falling asleep in their seats during strato and Angra :grin:
General Zod[b said:
Everyone whose (seriously) complaining. It's a Metal festival. Perhaps you should consider the opera.:loco:


right on...finally someone said something reasonable
Harvester said:
Ingar was a great guy. He was so gracious for everything and had a hell of a time. I have never met a nicer Satanist is all my life.

Glenn H.

Ingar is the best...people complaining about his acts don't know about his other band, dont know that he's into black metal, and dont know how nice of a person he is...that's why so easy for people to complain about him.
Cardinal Sin said:
because it was almost nothing; so short, and a "pit" (if you can call it that) of like 1 by 1 meter...nothing more...i dont know why people are making this such a big issue. And yes guys i hate moshing too, but i think seeing people mosh was better than seeing people falling asleep in their seats during strato and Angra :grin:

A guy behind me got housed because of this small pit that sent about 6 people forward. One overly angry guy is enough to ruin a lot of people's night. And whoever was doing all the shooving needed to chill.

I've been to a show where I was recovering from a surgery. It was about a month after and one guy decided to use me for his "push off" area. First off, I'm a girl and the guy was easily double my size. The first song of one band's set, I'm about 6 rows back and he shoved me all the way to 2nd row about 2 notes into the song. It hurt like hell every time and finally a friend of mine basically told the guy to piss off. Think he ended up getting ejected though because he was way too drunk.