CHEERS (besides those already mentioned):
*To everybody for being so damn cool. Everybody I met this year was just so fuckin' cool.
*The shuttle driver from the Grenada who drove us to a restaurant in Buckhead (WAY outside of shuttle range) because we were late to meet up with some friends, and the taxi was taking forever to show up.
*All of the staff of the Earthlink/Vinyl/Loft for being cool and friendly.
*The Granada for not locking the door at 11pm during PP weekend.
*MetalRose or whomever it was who came up with the idea of going to Six Flags on Sunday. That was a blast even though we didn't get to hang with you guys that much. Shaye, tell Urban that we were really gonna do that Fearless Freeps ride thingy (we saw you, Urban and MetalRose do it at 6:30), but after getting off of the Superman ride - which kicked major ass - it was too late to get a spot.
*Bryant for having the balls to break dance at the pre-party.
*Lance King and Yan Leviathan for doing an impromptu jam between PP sets for those in the Vinyl. Very cool!
*All the vendors for great selections (I never thought I'd see so many Conception CDs in one room) and incredible prices. We spent multiple hundreds of dollars on merchandise.
*D.C. Cooper for doing the thing on Thursday night and giving some "regular people" the chance to jam with him. That was fun to watch, and extremely cool of him.
JEERS (although some of these might have been mentioned, some need to be repeated):
*The guy who kept crapping in his pants on the main floor during the show. That was VILE! Next year, try a different diet, or go take a crap BEFORE COMING INTO THE VENUE! MY GOD MAN! GO SEE A DOCTOR!
*The temperature in the venue was too damn hot. Standing outside the arena doors, I could feel the heat coming out of the arena. It really took a lot of the enjoyment out of the show for me. I tried to minimize my movement as I was sweating just standing still, and I stayed on the fringes of the crowd. It was too damn hot in there.
*People saving seats. Here's my gripe. If you're saving a seat, why not say, "You can sit here until my friend gets back, but then you'll have to move"? Yardleybates wanted to sit down a couple of times because her feet were hurting. One woman told us that the seat next to her was saved. For the whole 45 minutes Yardleybates was sitting there in the next seat over, the saved seat remained empty. Would it have hurt if I had sat there with my wife during that time?
*The Granada for running out of most of the breakfast more than 1/2 hour before breakfast was over. This morning, for the first time in the four years we've been staying there, we were able to experience the full breakfast. It was actually pretty damn good. You'd think they'd know by now that they need more food that weekend, especially late in the morning.
*It had to end.