Pre Show Dinner?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Who's up for a 5pm dinner party at a select restaurant in the area of Chicago Heights on Friday or Saturday. We could make reservations for a large group if enough people come.

Perhaps Chris Lotestobot knows of a good place. There's a Red Lobster three miles from the venue. And Red Lobster is damn good... just wish they had a better selection of beer :kickass:

The Michael
here's a thought, too... as long as we're going to have to take transportation around anyway, why don't we pick someplace in a little nicer area... not that Chicago Heights is terrible, but there are better places to go in other, nicer areas, that wouldn't take TOO much more driving to get to... like Schererville or Highland across the Indiana border. There's also a cool place in Lansing... I forget the name of it, but I went there last year with Jeremy and Sarah, et al, and they had one hell of a killer menu there, including some health food selections for us snooty health nut types. ;) (Then again, Red Lobster consists of mostly health food anyway, LOL.)
booB's right, over on Indianapolis Blvd (first exit in Indiana, about 10-15 minutes from the hotels) is every restaurant known to man. There are even a couple of yummy non-chain places, like an Indian restaurant (The Tandoor). And there's a White Castle :)

okay... so since Red Lobster is not good enough for you whorebots... which restaurant you wanna go to?

Let's pick something already :) We can debate it on this forum and once we kind of agree I'll just make a general post for us all to meet... and see if I can make reservations for 10 or 20 or whatever :)

The Michael
We are not going to the Chinese place in Lansing. Hellz no.

I'm thinking of a place that has..

A.) Good selection of beer/boos
B.) Large tables
C.) Close proximity

That Chinese place has none of the above.

The Michael
Michael TEOF said:
We are not going to the Chinese place in Lansing. Hellz no.

I'm thinking of a place that has..

A.) Good selection of beer/boos
B.) Large tables
C.) Close proximity

That Chinese place has none of the above.

The Michael
I like you. Chinese food stinks! :p What the heck do I care anyway? I almost never eat when I'm out of town anyway. Ha!
Stardust2112 said:
What's that Cocula place all about? I wasn't at Powerfest last year, but I've heard a lot about it.


Its just a really good mexican food place over by JJ Kelly's. They have the bomb Margaritas too!!!! Wev'e eaten there a couple years in a row now and I am going to try to continue this tradition!!!

The burpin and fartin tradition that is, that happens after I eat there LOL

Bear said:
Its just a really good mexican food place over by JJ Kelly's. They have the bomb Margaritas too!!!! Wev'e eaten there a couple years in a row now and I am going to try to continue this tradition!!!

The burpin and fartin tradition that is, that happens after I eat there LOL


Um... thanks for sharing. LOL. Well, I'm wearing vinyl pants and a corset on Friday, so unless we want seams bursting, we should hit Cocula on Saturday.
