

Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I have "To the Nameless Dead" on order. Should be here tommorrow. I know no one cares, but why no reference to this band or new album? Primordial, imo, are concerned with composing good songs and releasing excellent albums. The absolute best "pagan/metal" band working today. Discuss.
Is To The Nameless Dead a good album to start off with, since I'm not too familiar with their music or similiar music?
I'm hoping my mate will be getting this soon.. But i'm not sure he even knows about it! I'm guessing he does though, he loves them..

Primordial are fucking brilliant, in fact.. They're an influence on one of the bands i'm with!
The album is really good. I like it better than their last one. And "Traitors Gate" must be one of the best songs this year (yes, really that good).
Thanx for all your replys. Primordial for me are just so passionate about what they do. It must be a painstaking process to compose excellent songs, write superb lyrics and create(choose) such brilliant artwork for all their albums. They won't cut corners just to please a label or their fans. Primordial will create what they want, and if you like fine, and if you don't so what. Much like Opeth, Enslaved and Novembers Doom. I get the feeling that if you don't like Primordial, they are thinking "blow me." Now, that's musical integrity. As far as where to start, I say get them all, man. For me, it goes like-"Gathering Wilderness", "Journeys End", "Storm before Calm", "Spirit the Earth A Flame and their debut "Imrama". But, "To the Nameless Dead" could change all that. And if TTND is'nt here by tommorrow, I'm going "postal" on the postal guy.
Primordial will create what they want, and if you like fine, and if you don't so what. Much like Opeth, Enslaved and Novembers Doom. I get the feeling that if you don't like Primordial, they are thinking "blow me." Now, that's musical integrity.

No it's not - it's the adolescent equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming "I can't hear you! I can't hear you! La La La!" Good artists will always listen both to their supporters AND critics alike, as Primordial probably do
Thanx for all your replys. Primordial for me are just so passionate about what they do. It must be a painstaking process to compose excellent songs, write superb lyrics and create(choose) such brilliant artwork for all their albums. They won't cut corners just to please a label or their fans. Primordial will create what they want, and if you like fine, and if you don't so what. Much like Opeth, Enslaved and Novembers Doom. I get the feeling that if you don't like Primordial, they are thinking "blow me." Now, that's musical integrity. As far as where to start, I say get them all, man. For me, it goes like-"Gathering Wilderness", "Journeys End", "Storm before Calm", "Spirit the Earth A Flame and their debut "Imrama". But, "To the Nameless Dead" could change all that. And if TTND is'nt here by tommorrow, I'm going "postal" on the postal guy.

fantastic post, i second everything on there

good pagan metal without any cheese or teeth-cringy material at all
They're not a stereotypical pagan band either. The songs have a universal meaning.

I've only heard two songs, but I am amazed to hear myself say that this could be their best.
No it's not - it's the adolescent equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming "I can't hear you! I can't hear you! La La La!" Good artists will always listen both to their supporters AND critics alike, as Primordial probably do
Mr Hibernal and another though-provoking post. You seem to me based on all I've read from you that your a "Champagne" guy hanging out with the "Beer" crowd. Get over yourself man!!! If you can't find anything to like on TTND, then I acclaim, you have not "blood" coursing thru your veins, but "milk". This band has black/metal roots, incorporates a folk aesthetic with beautiful fluid crushing waves of melodious guitar strain. Nemthanga sings with a fiercesome pride. This cat might be the best "frontman" in Metal. If you don't like the music, I can understand that, but give them the respect they deserve for releasing the "best" they as musicians can do. There is no compromise for this band. Nor for their fans. Hey, put that little finger down on your champagne glass. Don't let it slip up and over like that. It makes you look real prissy , man.
Mr Hibernal and another though-provoking post. You seem to me based on all I've read from you that your a "Champagne" guy hanging out with the "Beer" crowd. Get over yourself man!!! If you can't find anything to like on TTND, then I acclaim, you have not "blood" coursing thru your veins, but "milk". This band has black/metal roots, incorporates a folk aesthetic with beautiful fluid crushing waves of melodious guitar strain. Nemthanga sings with a fiercesome pride. This cat might be the best "frontman" in Metal. If you don't like the music, I can understand that, but give them the respect they deserve for releasing the "best" they as musicians can do. There is no compromise for this band. Nor for their fans. Hey, put that little finger down on your champagne glass. Don't let it slip up and over like that. It makes you look real prissy , man.

Wtf, did you even read my post? I love Primordial. It was your comment that "man, bands like Primordial don't give a fuck about haters yo now that's integrity, bitch" I was interested in. It's unsubstantiated bullshit. Bring along some comments from an interview or something which tells us Primordial are actually tossers like Darkthrone, then I might take you seriously.

np: "I don't give a fuck if you hate me, yow yow!" - Alexi laiho, children of bodom