
Mr.Hibernal, READ my original post again. Re-read the part I wrote as to "my opinion" for "musical integrity." There was nothing inyour post that said you liked Primordial. You always seem to be "slagging" bands. Hence, my comments.
I wasn't slagging any band, i was slagging you. Here's what you said.

Thanx for all your replys. Primordial for me are just so passionate about what they do. It must be a painstaking process to compose excellent songs, write superb lyrics and create(choose) such brilliant artwork for all their albums. They won't cut corners just to please a label or their fans. Primordial will create what they want, and if you like fine, and if you don't so what. Much like Opeth, Enslaved and Novembers Doom. I get the feeling that if you don't like Primordial, they are thinking "blow me." Now, that's musical integrity. As far as where to start, I say get them all, man. For me, it goes like-"Gathering Wilderness", "Journeys End", "Storm before Calm", "Spirit the Earth A Flame and their debut "Imrama". But, "To the Nameless Dead" could change all that. And if TTND is'nt here by tommorrow, I'm going "postal" on the postal guy.

Please refrain from writing anything remotely like the bolded part in the future. I get the 'feeling' Primordial would put a gun to their respective heads upon the realisation they have such obsessive/pretentious fans. Actually, the whole post sounds like a Roadrunner promotion for a band they just signed. You should apply for a job writing info sheets for promo CDs. kthx
A quote from Nemtheanga...and people have trouble with MY surname :rolleyes:
Fans of the band won’t be disappointed that is for sure. The mainstream might take notice or they might not. Who gives a fuck? We certainly don’t. Album number 6 and no compromise… not then, not now, not ever.

They got this far without listening to critics, why should they?
well you wouldnt expect them to say "we crafted our last offering based on everyone's criticisms and reviews," would you? thats no proof

the fact is i believe artists should pay at least some attention to what people say about their art. what is wrong with that?
It must be a painstaking process to compose excellent songs, write superb lyrics and create(choose) such brilliant artwork for all their albums.

I agree with you in all aspects except the album artwork. I just got the new album last week and man that album packaging was not good. Looked like it was put together half fast and with some extremely boring elements. Oh well the music is freaking brilliant.
I wasn't slagging any band, i was slagging you. Here's what you said.

Please refrain from writing anything remotely like the bolded part in the future. I get the 'feeling' Primordial would put a gun to their respective heads upon the realisation they have such obsessive/pretentious fans. Actually, the whole post sounds like a Roadrunner promotion for a band they just signed. You should apply for a job writing info sheets for promo CDs. kthx

Fuck, I just got called "obsessive/pretentious" by a guy who drinks "champagne." With a twirly finger no less. Listen man, don't tell me what to fuckin' write. I'm opining about the band Primordial, and you turn it into a personal slag. You've fuckered up threads like this all the time with your grandiose bullshit. Talk about the band and their music. NOT about how I write. Your not fuckin' qualified.
Fuck, I just got called "obsessive/pretentious" by a guy who drinks "champagne." With a twirly finger no less. Listen man, don't tell me what to fuckin' write. I'm opining about the band Primordial, and you turn it into a personal slag. You've fuckered up threads like this all the time with your grandiose bullshit. Talk about the band and their music. NOT about how I write. Your not fuckin' qualified.

I was talking about the band. You made a point about the band's attitude to critics. My post was directly related to that topic. You're the one taking it personally.

Fans of the band won’t be disappointed that is for sure. The mainstream might take notice or they might not. Who gives a fuck? We certainly don’t. Album number 6 and no compromise… not then, not now, not ever.

Key word here is "mainstream". I think everyone can all agree that not caring what the mainstream thinks is pretty common in metal.
fantastic post, i second everything on there

good pagan metal without any cheese or teeth-cringy material at all
somebody tell me where to begin with this band. a journey's end? spirit aflame? i am interested in listening to these guys.
Then again, you could start with their new one "To the Nameless Dead" and work your way back. "Spirit the Earth Aflame" certainly is also a good point to start. Every time I listen to TTND, more is revealed especially with the guitars. Just my opinion, but Nemthanga's vocals on TTND seem to be less prominent than on "The Gathering Wilderness." Where as the guitars now are more in the forefront. This could be his best vocal performance on TTND. The music now breathes completely. Seems like he stepped back just a little, as to let the music come forward, and then his fiercesome vocals come in to drive it all home. A fuckin' complete album, this thing is inspiring.
sigh, same here. perhaps i shouldnt buy so many cd's with my student loans.:ill:

I wish i had the money to buy CDs.. It genuinely does really do my head in that there's all these release i want.. But i can't afford to get them.. So have to either download or wait for mates to get them and let me borrow them.

I'm currently waiting for my mate to get his copy of this album delivered.. And i'm also trying to find the new Winds album.. But without any luck :erk: