Proggish Viking Metal Freak


Sep 7, 2002
Lexington, S.C.
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Greetings all. I have recently become aware of this community, and thought I'd come look for a home. My main two bands favorite bands are In Flames and Dream Theater, which I know won't gather me too many friends. I also love Thyrfing, Dark Tranquility, Forefather, Blind Guardian, early Arch Enemy(mainly with Johan Liiva still doing vocals, Gossow upsets me), Liquid Tension Experiment, Transatlantic, Rush, Beatles of course, the first Sinergy cd(Beware the Heavens is godly because of Jesper Stromblad), Amon Amarth, finntroll, and the newest fav is Korpilaanki. I play bass and do vocals in a band my guitarist friend and I just started, playing melodic/folk/sometimes proggish/sometimes viking/ metal. Interesting little band, but should be fun. Maybe I can be original for once! So that's me, talk to you all soon.