ProgPower USA V


love it! Glen is the man, all kneel before his metal-ness :worship:

got the rooms already at the Granada Suites, a stellar lineup, now to start saving my "mad vendor money"..

The only band I've not heard any material from is Into Eternity. Dreamscape & wuthering Heights someone mentioned a few days ago and I checked out some clips and they sound pretty damn good.

I predicted Savatage/Kamelot and Brainstorm on my PP5 wishlist - WOOOO

Tad Morose, Adagio and Edguy again.. this is gonna be a great show. I didn't get too into Pain of Salvation at PPIII, but I'll have to give them another listen.

I know a lot of people are loving being able to see Brainstorm, they got a lot of fans on this forum.. and that special lip syncing fan from last year.. heh

Can't wait for September to roll around.. thanks Glenn !!!!
As I'm currently sitting here at work spinning the new Pain of Salvation acoustic cd (12:5), I'm estactic to find out they are on this year's lineup!

And Savatage - OMG!

Not that I want to wish springtime and beautiful summer away - but, man I cannot wait!

Damn, somebody hand me a tissue!
SAVATAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Can't believe it! I saw a somewhat similar show at the Criss Oliva Memorial concert in Tampa... Seeing the guys reunite again should kick major ass! :)

Pain Of Salvation's show at PP3 was the best show I've ever seen.. Can't wait to see them live again!! :)

I don't really care for any of the other bands, but just those 2 are more than enough :) And Kamelot should be cool too... I mean, I am not really into them, but Khan is awesome... My favorite singer, probably...
Edguy should be cool too.... Not really into them, but they are cool live...
meh, I'm disappointed with the lineup. For the past 2 years, there's been bands at Prog Power that I've enjoyed quite immensely and never dreamed they'd be in the festival. This year, while I've heard nothing but good things about PoS, Dreamscape, and Adiago, There's not much there to draw my attention... However, I will definitely be looking forward to Savatage (I really think this is going to be killer. Props to Glenn on this one, as well as the members of Savatage.), and I would hope everyone votes to hear "This Isn't What We Meant." When the time comes. :)
Me and my wife are going to Portugal for Euro 2004 in June and getting married in jUly and we said only if there is a special line up will we fly down tho Atlanta. Well, Savatage (Belive is going to be our wedding song), Kamelot and Edguy. That is something special, We will find the money to go.
Holy ass.... With the esception of 2 bands, I have been blasting the roster to PP V from my speakers of doom for years now, YEARS!!! This will be as good if not GREATER than PP III. THANK GOD FOR EDGUY!!!!!!! AND KAMELOT!!!!!!!!! AND ADAGIO! AND BRAINSTORM! AND SAVATAGE !! ok ok ill stop. oh yea AND WUTHERING HEIGHTS!! Ahem, anyways, I was so fucking excited I didnt even realize that Sonata werent on the bill. Well you know what, meh. Im sure youll get em sometime, but as for now FUCK YEA FOR PROG POWER FIVE!

I only needed to see PoS on that list :). Kamelot, Edguy and Savatage are the only others I'm familiar with, so I've got quite a bit to buy before the show! wahahah! :rock:
Heh heh heh heh...

So who else is sitting at work this Monday morning, checking the lineup, and got raging woodies for this year's show??!!??!!


And this year, I'll make damned sure to get completely familiar with P.O.S.'s library, and stick around for their setlist. At PP3, we split early. I'll not do that again!

Glenn rocks. I think I'ma start a poll: Who thinks Glenn rocks?

Well... then again, a blind chimpanzee could predict those results...