ProgPower USA VI Special Patron Information


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
If you are interested in being a special patron (i.e. "sponsor") of a specific band for next year, then now is the time to contact me. It does indeed make a difference in who is booked. As a sponsor, you are gain VIP access with the same privledges as the bands. Due to limited space, the number of sponors that I accept will be limited.

Here's how it works:

1. Email me with a list of bands you are willing to sponsor in order of preference.

2. Indicate the amount you are willing to sponsor for each band. The minimum pledge is $500.

3. When the roster is announced on March 1st, check the band bio pages on the website to see if you made the cut.

4. Payment is due July 1st.

Please note the following:

* I reserve the right to assign your sponsorship to anyone on your list regardless of the priority listed. For example, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are announced on the roster. Black Sabbath was your #1 choice and Iron Maiden was #5. You could still see yourself listed as sponsor for Iron Maiden and not Black Sabbath.

*You may find a band that was on your list on the roster, yet you are still not listed as a sponsor. This is because others pledged a higher dollar amount and there are a limited number of sponsorship slots available.

*I am fully aware that I do have some harsh critics of this method of fund raising. As much as this is a labor of love, it is also a business for me. To those that don't understand that, I say :waah:

Glenn H.