if people spent 5 minutes a day since this was posted just learning from trial and error and googling drum programming techniques, they could have been a programming guru and wrote there own book. Stop bumping this thread
I´m pretty good programing drums dudes...but I think that is a good idea and I give my support just like that now please stop try to give life lesson I don´t need another mom.
Jesus Christ, this thread has been created 1 year ago. Anyone could just spend a couple of hours a week experimenting with velocities and timing and have drum programming skills as good as Joey in one month.
exactly joey! I for one would LOVE a book about your post prodcution techniques, especially mastering. But ofcourse if you released that they'red be no point in you existing haha. I would buy a book about drum programming, even though i dont liek the idea of it, its Joey Sturgis, why the fuck wouldn't you buy it?
There has been books created on this topic before, I think there is an audience for an updated book with more interfaces and emphasis on using the tracks as a recording alternative