

New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2002
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Hello, I am new to the world of Opeth. I just started listening to them about a month ago. This is a really dumb question, but how do you pronounce the lead singer's name? Also, I have always pronounced Opeth so it sounded like Opith. Is that right?

sorry about the dumb questions!
I don't know how his first name would go.

I usually say "Mik-ay-uhl", and I remember reading in an interview his last name is pronounced "Oak-er-felt"
Originally posted by TrevJ
I hate when people say it "Ohpith" quickly like it's one syllable. It's "Oh-Peth" damn it! :p

I say "Oh-Peth." I've only gotten one person into them so far, so there's nobody around me that says it wrong, and if they do say it, they say it right from hearing me say it all the time. Well not all the time but.... ahh you know.
Mikael Åkerfeldt

The first "Mi" are pronunced like the word "me"

"ka" are pronunced like the "ca" of "casablanca"

"el" are pronunced like the "el" of "electric"

The swedish letter "Å" sounds like the "o" in "lord"

"ke" sounds like "KElly"

The "r" sounds like the "r" in "Real"

"feldt" are said like "felt".

Me-ca-el O-ke-r-felt
