
Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl

fucking still cries to bayside. you cant be in a metal band and cry to bayside. thats about the equivalent to the spill canvas writing a song about slaughtering babies in the shaft of the penis with a machete... pre womb. it just doesnt make sense.
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i used to love this band a while back, and the instrumental work is pretty groovy as well as production for the work, despite the fact that they ripped off TAS to too far of an extent. but music is about the lyrics and how they are expressed, which was a fail. and frankly (no pun intended) i think he deserved to get his ass handed to him by vince. but to each their own.
Good dudes, backed hard. Felony has some really good songs on it and I dig the production on it. Looking forward to hearing what the new record sounds like with Sturgis behind it.
the only response i can find for these guys is some sort of stunned silence followed by a facepalm.
Felony has some really good songs on it and I dig the production on it. Looking forward to hearing what the new record sounds like with Sturgis behind it.


I like Felony. They ditched that annoying teenage girl whining on that CD for a more rapping type vocal that i liked. Their previous CDs are unlistenable to me because of that whining crap he did.
Emmure is amazing

The reasoning?
They dont sound like everyone other deathcore band on the market, LITERALLY: Whitechapel, Oceano, Impending Doom, Molotov Solution, ABACABB, The Acacia Strain, King Conquer, And Hell Followed With and the list goes WAY on and on with big bands. Sure all of these bands have their strong and weak points in the end they all sound the same.

Sure, Emmure has whiny ass vocals and yea maybe he does rap, but at least they are doing their own thing and not following every trend that comes through.

EDIT: Just read the "he should get his ass kicked by Vincent" comment, you do realize that they have fought right?
Deathcore bands that blend other genres in their music can do some pretty cool stuff, like Between the Buried and Me (I listened to "Colors" easily over 1000 times in 2008).
Absolutely love "Awaken the Dreamers" by All Shall Perish too. The musicianship of technical death metal combined with the grooves of deathcore and a kind of melo-death melodicism at times makes for a much more interesting sound than bands like Emmure, Oceano etc.
I like "The New Reign" from Born of Osiris a lot and The Red Chord has some cool stuff as well.

I think the genre in general seems to get a bit too much hate from people who hear some mediocre local deathcore band, or a record of the bands of that rely too heavily on breakdowns and assume the whole genre is bad.
Unfortunately, until there are more bands in the genre that take the good parts about deathcore (the groove and the aggression) and really be creative with it, because the genre has heaps of potential, but most people just aren't creative and interesting enough to exploit that potential.
I'm not trolling but I seriously don't hear how these are any different to the other bands mentioned, ton of breakdowns, dissonant palm muted chugs which are left to ring out, sweep picking fucking everywhere. Dont want :(
Deathcore bands that blend other genres in their music can do some pretty cool stuff, like Between the Buried and Me (I listened to "Colors" easily over 1000 times in 2008).
Absolutely love "Awaken the Dreamers" by All Shall Perish too. The musicianship of technical death metal combined with the grooves of deathcore and a kind of melo-death melodicism at times makes for a much more interesting sound than bands like Emmure, Oceano etc.
I like "The New Reign" from Born of Osiris a lot and The Red Chord has some cool stuff as well.

I think the genre in general seems to get a bit too much hate from people who hear some mediocre local deathcore band, or a record of the bands of that rely too heavily on breakdowns and assume the whole genre is bad.
Unfortunately, until there are more bands in the genre that take the good parts about deathcore (the groove and the aggression) and really be creative with it, because the genre has heaps of potential, but most people just aren't creative and interesting enough to exploit that potential.

i say the overall genre isnt bad, i love heavy shit like that because its fun to groove to, but i also love bands like BTBAM, ASP, ABR, etc because those kinds of bands express way more talent and creativity. and seth, if you were referring to me, i do know they fought backstage at (if i recall correctly) one of frankie's shows, hence why i mentioned he deserved it, not she should have deserved it.

and i also love the spill canvas. not as familiar with bayside.
The thing I don't like about Emmure is their songwriting... the album I listened to just sounded like one big breakdown over the span of an entire CD... none of the songs differentiate in structure or sound any different they all sound the same.

This band is cool to me in 1 or 2 song doses but then I'm just like "meh"