Black Metal is the worst subgenre

I did it again..why oh why do I come back and read this frustratingly retarded thread. Seeing people argue with UltimateApathy is giving me high blood pressure.
I don't think you get it, dude.

Said every kid ever to every other kid who didn't appreciate the same music as much as him ;)

Seriously though, I just gave the Krallice song a second spin and here is what I noticed: it's mostly solid but I still have a serious issue with the barely-audible vocals. If they were more prominent they would not only make the song sound more intense/interesting, but could also contribute more to the overall atmosphere of the song - the way they hover around so uncertainly in the background doesn't do the song any favors. And yes, I still think the addition of symphonic/orchestral elements in a tasteful manner would make the song much more atmospheric and epic and significantly increase the overall quality of the song. Right now I'd probably rate this Krallice song around 7/10. The first song you posted I'd probably rate around 9/10, because that was some nice stuff. Still need to listen to the other two again to quantify a rating, but I doubt it would be as high.
One of those ignorant little kids that just has to hear a hint of melodic female vocals and automatically go: "OMGGGZZ ITZ LIKEZ TOTALLY A NIGHTWISH CLONEZZ!!!" The song "Nymphetamine" may have been Nightwish-like, but that was pretty much the one and only time. This is good stuff:

Cradle gets a LOT of shit as musicians with most metal heads I know not being into them, and frankly, I blame Dani Filth. I've tried to get a lot of people into them and they either...

1. Think he sounds like a screaming little boy,
2. Think he's a pretentious dick, which I kinda agree with, or
3. Won't give the band half a chance just because a bunch of little goth girls are into them

The Midian album was the shit.

Rather odd to see CoF being presented as an exemplar of black metal :goggly:. I would think that stuff like Walknut and Inquisition are more representative of black metal than CoF or even Limbonic Art, and better too imo:

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CoF would be significantly better had Dani Filth never been involved in the band. His vocals are intolerable, and the image he projects for the band and himself, the whole ultra goth/vampire bullshit, is the GAYEST.

Musically, a lot of there stuff is pretty solid, but Dani's vocals immediately ruin anything that could have been good.
Intensity. Simple droning songs creating a sensation of descending into an apocalyptic and feral collapse of civilization not only addresses our worst fears, but prepares us for future reality.

whatup chris. can you explain the history with you and john darnielle? i've tried harrassing him on twitter about it repeatedly but he just ignores me.
Wow if this thread were a building, I'd burn it to the fucking ground.

Like a church?

Anyways found this, funniest thing of the week