Punch Me I Bleed


Advanced *********
Feb 17, 2004
Boulder, CO
Hey guys. This isn't intended to sound like an AYDY fanboy post or something, but how come everyone has so much against "Punch Me I Bleed?" It's one of my favorite songs off the new album and definitely in my Bodom top 10. I think it's a great song, it givess me a real "80's metal ballad" vibe, which I like. Also the "This Love" feel. Badass. Why don't you guys like this song?
TheWretchedScum said:
Hey guys. This isn't intended to sound like an AYDY fanboy post or something, but how come everyone has so much against "Punch Me I Bleed?"

Because everyone is obsessed with Hatebreeder and dislikes anything Bodom writes that doesn't sound exactly like. it.

Personally, I like it. Not my favorite on the album, but its a good song.
It's very difficult to listen to, it's so fucking.. unsporty.. I like the low pianos, like in Are You Dead Yet. There's no melody (I'm sure someone's gonna go berzerk for this comment) and it's so fucking slow. It's not a song really..
i'm not trying to stick up for the song because i think it sucks shit through a straw, but to say a piece of music isn't really a song, is pure ignorance. get a clue please.
Don't take everything so damn literally. It's a song, ok, you don't have'to be a genious to discover that. But it's just too fucking lazy and lack of carriage for my taste. The guitars are too shy, that is - they're the salt of the song.
its the only bodom song i don't like, its just so slow and laggy and just really dosen't interest me, though saying that the solo is good and i like the pre-chorus, but that chorus is really annoying
Nikolai Korsakov composed some of the best songs ever(you can hear a story from it and understand it just like someone told it with words, I have yet to find someone with more expressive ability) and most of them are slow.
I just wish everyone stopped ranking songs for their speed..
its not like i don't like slow songs, angels don't kill was excellent, but theres something about punch me i bleed that just wants me to not like it