AYDY Released

Joonas Lehtonen said:
The album has a very surprizing and nice ending verse: "..in the end we're standing up." I went like WTF, this album's theme is self-destruction and the very end tells about surviving, that's pretty fuckin cool.

just like making a rap album and in the last 5 seconds of the final song claim to hate hip-hop, that's pretty fucking cool!
Oh, seriously, what is wrong with you people?! Personally, I like Joonas' view of the album, it is cool. And panzerKunt or whatever, you really can't compare it like that. And all the rest of you! All high and mighty, "it's really not that good, in comparison to..." You know what, here's what I think: I think new albums should be viewed as new, not by how they compare. Band evolves musically, and it's a good thing, I wouldn't like to listen to Hatebreeder copies for the next five albums. Just take it as it comes, find your new favourites, and enjoy. Don't be so judgemental about every little thing.
And why do you have to trash everyone to the extreme? Isn't enough to say "I disagree"? (and make a good argument on that)
And this little rant is supposed to constructive criticism, I don't want hatemail for this.
Chaosia said:
And panzerKunt or whatever, you really can't compare it like that.

Yeah I can Chaosia or whatever, I just did, look *points*

And why do you have to trash everyone to the extreme? Isn't enough to say "I disagree"? (and make a good argument on that)

I take it you haven't read joonas' (lowercase j) posts regarding this, no?
Do so first k thnx bye.
I got the cd today and it's better than I expected thought I had already heard some of the tracks. Not a single bad or even mediocre song IMO. Follow the Reaper used to be my favourite Bodom album but I think that AYDY? beats even it.
I think Chuck Schuldiner said it best:

"I just don't want to put out the same record every time. As a music fan, I like bands to stay within their sound, but progress at the same time-- which is the way I approach things."

This is exactly why Death will always be a legendary band, because Chuck knew how to evolve and try new things.

This is what Bodom is lacking in their new material. If they took their sound of the old and integrated that into this new metalcore interest of Alexi's they would actually be evolving. Instead of completely dropping a sound like it's a flavour of the week.
Elysian893 said:
find my new favorites? i'd be glad to if any of the tracks were worth a damn.

I think this is the CoB album with the most great songs. Living Dead Beat, Are You Dead Yet? In Your Face, T,L&S.. usually even CoB albums only have like one or two great tracks.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
I think this is the CoB album with the most great songs. Living Dead Beat, Are You Dead Yet? In Your Face, T,L&S.. usually even CoB albums only have like one or two great tracks.
well, everyone has already figured out your an idiot, your opinion is definately invalid when it comes to cob, you've even said yourself you don't like cob much.