AYDY Released

Grammy said:
Got it from Bochum Release Party ... also signed hehe

It rulez but it isnt good as the old ones ... much new shit ... some old shit ...

so its good shit =)
the key words here being "its" and "shit"... put em together what do we get? ITS SHIT!!!!
Someone ban this fucking child Elysian... Bobvex? He just starts stupid arguments etc etc. And the only thing he says is that aydy sucks.

Elysian: Or MAYBE its time to read the forum rules!
Jesse- said:
Someone ban this fucking child Elysian... Bobvex? He just starts stupid arguments etc etc. And the only thing he says is that aydy sucks.

Elysian: Or MAYBE its time to read the forum rules!

I like him.

And if we ban everyone that only talks shit about AYDY... Then we must ban everyone that only talks GOOD about it too...
borissikic said:


I think AYDY is fucking awesome. True, it differs quite alot from the earlier albums in some places, but the songs are great and I really dont have any problem with it being heavier. The album is overall better than HCDR in my opinion, and anyone who is somewhat open-minded and likes good music should appreciate this, even though some people will always like the earlier albums better.

Of course the bands musical taste and ambitions have changed since 1997-2001. Looking at the number of times they've played the old songs live (and still will) it's easy to understand that the band (especially Laiho) wants to write different kinds of songs instead of copying the old material.

If you dont like this, fine, listen to it a bit more (some songs take a while to get used to, its not as easy listening as the earlier works), and if you still dont like it, stop bitching and keep on enjoying the first albums.
Is there someone around here who doesn't like Living Dead Beat or Are You Dead Yet?

(Just want to see whose opinions cannot be taken seriously.)
Jesse- said:
Someone ban this fucking child Elysian... Bobvex? He just starts stupid arguments etc etc. And the only thing he says is that aydy sucks.

Elysian: Or MAYBE its time to read the forum rules!

Ignore the child, he/she is about 14 years old, with the IQ of a mouse.
He only does it to get a reaction.

I'll be contacting the moderator about his behaviour on this forum, and
Deron, the owner of UM to get him/her banned.
gaz said:
Ignore the child, he/she is about 14 years old, with the IQ of a mouse.
He only does it to get a reaction.

I'll be contacting the moderator about his behaviour on this forum, and
Deron, the owner of UM to get him/her banned.

If you get offended by that, then you need to just rethink life.

He's slating your favourite bumchum's CD. Big deal?
Yep I rethinked my life for all of 1 second...
It's nothing to do with slating anyone's album.
It's plainly obvious to anyone with half a brain that the guy is out
of line and soul purpose on this forum is trying to wind up people.
He has contributed zlitch to this forum.
Negative and antogonising comments aside.

If your not offended by the likes of Elysian comments, then you
are the one know needs to take a step back.
Jesse- said:
Someone ban this fucking child Elysian... Bobvex? He just starts stupid arguments etc etc. And the only thing he says is that aydy sucks.

Elysian: Or MAYBE its time to read the forum rules!
its ok, i'm probably older than you anyways... so dry your emo tears and keep listening to this new shit pile
gaz said:
Yep I rethinked my life for all of 1 second...
It's nothing to do with slating anyone's album.
It's plainly obvious to anyone with half a brain that the guy is out
of line and soul purpose on this forum is trying to wind up people.
He has contributed zlitch to this forum.
Negative and antogonising comments aside.

If your not offended by the likes of Elysian comments, then you
are the one know needs to take a step back.
if you are offended by my comments, maybe you need to join hilary clinton in her race to ban everything in the world. seriously, lighten up :Spin:
Hi could someone please add me to msn at johnnysteele89@hotmail.com and send me these songs? I know its alot to ask but I love Bodom and have no money for their cd until i get payd next month! I have 2mb broadband so it should be fast sending if anyone decides to be a great metalhead and send these tracks my way.

thanks,johnny steele