AYDY Released

_FollowTheReaper_ said:
That's the crappiest shit I've ever read :hotjump: :loco:
I just don't have the vocabulary to explain how much of a blapheme you just said. SW, HB and FTR are by far the best CDs I own. And in these you may be able to hear a huge numbers of fuckin badass riffs, closest to my definition of music, containing aweful soli, where speed isn't missing but not just shredding, shredding, shredding and souding the same all the CD along, classical stuff being very present, not several rhytmic/repetitive boring parts on the 6th string (c.f. Are You Dead Yet?) and long dissoning chords which come back 3 times in a 3min song. You should shut the fuck up and get a life dude. :wave:

This said, I enjoy AYDY with time, I was expecting the worst, I has some great riffs, but not as I should enjoy a fuckin Bodom CD. Many, many riffs are "already heard" riffs.
i think you put it better than i ever could, thats pretty much it in a nutshell(of course i still don't enjoy it, but i also don't like hardcore or numetal or punk)
i'm glad i downloaded it instead of buy it and waste my money... it was much easier to just click delete than say burn the cd, or break it and throw it in the trash...
*my check/wish list*
-Buy vitamins, in order to grow up
-Buy a cab ticket, in order to go home
-Buy circus and cartoon network soundtracks
-Join an english course with an interchange program, so I can undestand what the fuck he meant by 'dump the point'
-Buy a killswitch engage record and growl listening to it
-Buy a car, a kickass sound system and blast the aforementioned cd in the street, so everyone can see how badass I am
-Destroy all my classic music cds
-Start thinking dragonforce and rhapsody are just gay
-Buy a mask to wear when I'm playing
-Cut my hair

Guess that's it...
Ok I'm no expert (I started listening to Bodom a few days ago) but I think the new album sounds good for what it is. If you compare it to their earlier efforts it certainly pales in comparison if your more into the melodic elements. I think my favorite album is Hate Breeder but it's too early to tell because I really haven't had the time or experience listening to them enough. Bands change all the time so you either have to evolve or find another band that can fill the void. I do agree that AYDY sounds quite American. There are fills here and there that keep it from being totally American sounding though.

Everything tends to be dumbed down for America and music is one of those things. All the bands I'm listening too right now are from Europe, the majority of magazines I buy are from the UK, the cars I like are mainly from Europe, artists Europe etc etc.

Being creative, artsy, wannabe designer has become a fad over here in North America (not sure about elsewhere) yet few are actually good at it. Proof of this is in the car modding scene. I have nothing against modding cars and there are some very nice ones out there but 95% look like complete garbage. I'm sure this happens in other parts of the world too but I can't see people outside North America taking pride in their pieces of shit. Customization has become a world wide phenomenon which is good to a point but I hope a lot of these people don't turn their hobby into a profession as a musician, or artist because most if it is Walmart quality at best.

Wow...umm totally off topic. Anyway...I don't know if anyone has heard Quo Vadis from Montreal but they are quite good and although lack some of the melody present in Swedish, or Finnish bands they have a lot more than most North American bands and have some very fast tight technical riffs. The bass on the new album is played by the bassist from Death.

Songs I recommend are:

Quo Vadis - Day into Night (2000)
07 - On the Shores of Ithaka
10 - Mute Requiem

Quo Vadis - Defiant Imagination (2004)
01 - Silence Calls The Storm

(the links to the songs on the new album work http://www.quovadis.qc.ca/eng/mp3.html)

As for lyrics in the music...I didn't know metalheads cared about lyrics. I'm not big on lyrics and my best friend isn't big on lyrics either and a lot of the time I can't understand what their saying anyway. I'm more into melodies and although I find the singing (or screaming) to be an integral part of the song I don't care much as to what they are saying. Anyone else not bothered by lyrics?
Jesse- said:
Do we really need to know if you dont like it? I guess you do like it after all, because you are still here whining about the album. You are an idiot.

And I'm just wondering why AYDY has gotten about 9/10 on all reviews...

Shut the fuck up you finnish fuck. If he doesn't like the album, let him rant. I'm not to fond on it either but i've said my piece on it. If you can't accept that bodom released (to many people) a shit C..... then YOU'RE an idiot.
-Gavin- said:
Shut the fuck up you finnish fuck. If he doesn't like the album, let him rant. I'm not to fond on it either but i've said my piece on it. If you can't accept that bodom released (to many people) a shit C..... then YOU'RE an idiot.
you're my hero :worship: :lol:
jdsony said:
Ok I'm no expert (I started listening to Bodom a few days ago) but I think the new album sounds good for what it is. If you compare it to their earlier efforts it certainly pales in comparison if your more into the melodic elements. I think my favorite album is Hate Breeder but it's too early to tell because I really haven't had the time or experience listening to them enough. Bands change all the time so you either have to evolve or find another band that can fill the void. I do agree that AYDY sounds quite American. There are fills here and there that keep it from being totally American sounding though.

Everything tends to be dumbed down for America and music is one of those things. All the bands I'm listening too right now are from Europe, the majority of magazines I buy are from the UK, the cars I like are mainly from Europe, artists Europe etc etc.

Being creative, artsy, wannabe designer has become a fad over here in North America (not sure about elsewhere) yet few are actually good at it. Proof of this is in the car modding scene. I have nothing against modding cars and there are some very nice ones out there but 95% look like complete garbage. I'm sure this happens in other parts of the world too but I can't see people outside North America taking pride in their pieces of shit. Customization has become a world wide phenomenon which is good to a point but I hope a lot of these people don't turn their hobby into a profession as a musician, or artist because most if it is Walmart quality at best.

Wow...umm totally off topic. Anyway...I don't know if anyone has heard Quo Vadis from Montreal but they are quite good and although lack some of the melody present in Swedish, or Finnish bands they have a lot more than most North American bands and have some very fast tight technical riffs. The bass on the new album is played by the bassist from Death.

Songs I recommend are:

Quo Vadis - Day into Night (2000)
07 - On the Shores of Ithaka
10 - Mute Requiem

Quo Vadis - Defiant Imagination (2004)
01 - Silence Calls The Storm

(the links to the songs on the new album work http://www.quovadis.qc.ca/eng/mp3.html)

Yeah Quo Vadis are very good. They can do good stuff as cob. If you are from quebec, it is sure that you know this band cuz it's THE best metal band from quebec after voivod.
the more i listen to the new darkest hour album, as much as i dislike what they put out before this, kris was right when he told me "children of bodom fans, eat your heart out"... yet i don't think he knew anything about this album when he recorded Undoing Ruin, but his words were very true, the new darkest hour annihilates this.
Elysian893 said:
i am a cob fan, and i am allowed to voice my opinion about this shit pile they just put out. go fuck yourself. thank you.

this album sucks shit through a straw, and you europeans who keep complaining about american hardcore kids are sucking it up like hardcore kids suck up throwdown.

I never said that you are not allowed to say your opinion? The thing is, you have said in your every post that "cob fucking sucks". Its pretty annoying.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
ill buy it and if it is no good i wont listen to it. how is that? if you dont like it just dont listen to it. that simple.

Exactly, but there are these people who just start complaining in every forum how much he hates the album.
Jesse- said:
I never said that you are not allowed to say your opinion? The thing is, you have said in your every post that "cob fucking sucks". Its pretty annoying.
incorrect, i said AYDY? fucking sucks, which it does. CoB ruled before this album.
-Gavin- said:
Shut the fuck up you finnish fuck. If he doesn't like the album, let him rant. I'm not to fond on it either but i've said my piece on it. If you can't accept that bodom released (to many people) a shit C..... then YOU'RE an idiot.

Are we being racists here or where are you aiming with that stupid aggressive comment? Does it put you in a better position because youre from Scotland? This forum is already beginning to be like a damn warzone with all people just arguing and fighting. YOU should go into yourself and think what YOU could do to make this forum better. I was just trying to "advise" him to stop the stupid "I hate aydy" -comments, because hes said that prolly 100 times. Not because it hurts me when someone says that.

And did I say that I enjoy the album myself? Well, in fact, I do. I dont care if the guitars goes same scale or tune or whatever all the time. I dont judge music in how its been made, Its more important how it really sounds.
Elysian893 said:
i know what could be make this forum better, if cob recalled all these pieces of shit called AYDY?... itd really fix things up good here.
yeah because lets face it...thats a real logical thing to do...why even post that?