AYDY Released

panzerKunt said:
FTHB!! If you got your glasses yet, stop watching american soaps and MTV and start writing new old material.
WTF do you mean by that? I don't watch MTV and american soaps...:err: and I'm not a 12-13yr old Bodom fan in average pff...
If you like Something Wild better than AYDY?, go home. If you like Hatebreeder better.. grow up. If you like Follow the Reaper better.. move to child discos. If you like Hate Crew Deathroll better.. dump the joint. There's DEPTH in AYDY. Maybe you'd just like to have some of vocals sang by a female singer, and you'd understand.. But I know, everybody's just aching for beutiful solos when listening to this album.. maybe that's meant to be?
Joonas Lehtonen said:
If you like Something Wild better than AYDY?, go home. If you like Hatebreeder better.. grow up. If you like Follow the Reaper better.. move to child discos. If you like Hate Crew Deathroll better.. dump the joint. There's DEPTH in AYDY. Maybe you'd just like to have some of vocals sang by a female singer, and you'd understand.. But I know, everybody's just aching for beutiful solos when listening to this album.. maybe that's meant to be?
i guess a lot of people need to grow up, move to child discos, and dump the joint... AYDY sucks.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
If you like Something Wild better than AYDY?, go home. If you like Hatebreeder better.. grow up. If you like Follow the Reaper better.. move to child discos. If you like Hate Crew Deathroll better.. dump the joint. There's DEPTH in AYDY. Maybe you'd just like to have some of vocals sang by a female singer, and you'd understand.. But I know, everybody's just aching for beutiful solos when listening to this album.. maybe that's meant to be?
Dude... AYDY is based on picking the 6th string (who don't know: the lowest string) and fuck, why don't you believe that Alexi got influented by american shit bands like Lamb Of God, etc...
That's why they tuned down to drop C (the next album will be in C?:guh:)...
Alexi, if you read this forum; steady on and don't break your arm, and try to write some good music again...
Anyways I like AYDY, but one album with this kind of music is enough. I'll buy it.

@panzerkunt: ok, I see;)
You know what I just realized? More europeans are acceptant of this new sound on AYDY. Personally, I know what the American metal scene is like and I like bands that are more melodic and that have heavy synth roles such as Wintersun because bands like those are rare in the States. I'm not saying this is totally true because people can like whatever the fuck they want for whatever reason, but It probably goes both ways between the Americans and Europeans: we have a lot of "hard and heavy" music here that I'm not particularly fond of (that's why I love HB), and you Europeans have a lot of melodic stuff that perhaps you're getting sick of (more acceptant of AYDY)?

Oh BTW, I believe the new Standard of American metal should be set by Symphony X :rock:
Shagoroth said:
Totally agreed. It's ok, that they don't want to do another FTR or HB, but the fans (except americans who listen to hardcore) would prefer a HB2 to a US-metal crap :Smug:

Mabye you should listen to what REAL metalheads in usa say before u jump to conclusions.
Totally agreed. It's ok, that they don't want to do another FTR or HB, but the fans (except americans who listen to hardcore) would prefer a HB2 to a US-metal crap

ok, that's just starting to piss me off, i'm american, hb is my favorite album by far, just because i live in america doesn't mean i listen to that shitty hardcore crap and watch mtv and like hcd better than any of the older shit, quit it with the fuckin stereotypical labels, yea i know there's alot of shitty bands over here, but there's also some good one's, so bash the fuckin hardcore kids, not the guys who like the good stuff
Ok, ok make it clear.
I mean the new wave what bears on Alexi, and touring with those hardcore bands makes the european bands to write that-kind of music. (I know my english is bad but try to understand what I'm talking about).
My post was not against americans, I just tried to say that this new wave (which comes from USA) affects the bands.
Elysian893 said:
i guess a lot of people need to grow up, move to child discos, and dump the joint... AYDY sucks.

You really don't know how ridicilous you make yourself appear like by saying that. You suck.
Elysian893 said:
i guess a lot of people need to grow up, move to child discos, and dump the joint... AYDY sucks.

Do we really need to know if you dont like it? I guess you do like it after all, because you are still here whining about the album. You are an idiot.

And I'm just wondering why AYDY has gotten about 9/10 on all reviews...
Jesse- said:
Do we really need to know if you dont like it? I guess you do like it after all, because you are still here whining about the album. You are an idiot.

And I'm just wondering why AYDY has gotten about 9/10 on all reviews...
i am a cob fan, and i am allowed to voice my opinion about this shit pile they just put out. go fuck yourself. thank you.

this album sucks shit through a straw, and you europeans who keep complaining about american hardcore kids are sucking it up like hardcore kids suck up throwdown.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
If you like Something Wild better than AYDY?, go home. If you like Hatebreeder better.. grow up. If you like Follow the Reaper better.. move to child discos. If you like Hate Crew Deathroll better.. dump the joint. There's DEPTH in AYDY. Maybe you'd just like to have some of vocals sang by a female singer, and you'd understand.. But I know, everybody's just aching for beutiful solos when listening to this album.. maybe that's meant to be?

That's the crappiest shit I've ever read :hotjump: :loco:
I just don't have the vocabulary to explain how much of a blapheme you just said. SW, HB and FTR are by far the best CDs I own. And in these you may be able to hear a huge numbers of fuckin badass riffs, closest to my definition of music, containing aweful soli, where speed isn't missing but not just shredding, shredding, shredding and souding the same all the CD along, classical stuff being very present, not several rhytmic/repetitive boring parts on the 6th string (c.f. Are You Dead Yet?) and long dissoning chords which come back 3 times in a 3min song. You should shut the fuck up and get a life dude. :wave:

This said, I enjoy AYDY with time, I was expecting the worst, I has some great riffs, but not as I should enjoy a fuckin Bodom CD. Many, many riffs are "already heard" riffs.