AYDY Released

BloodyScalpel said:
it's really lame to judge something by the scores it gets on american magazine reviews...it can work for videogames, but no for music.

I've lost count how many times in magazine 'guitarists top 100', tom morello, slash, james hetfield and other stupid guitarists were far ahead of michael romeo, michael ammot, alexi, malmsteen, the god ritchie blackmore.... magazines are just brainless, you have to admit that.
are you dense?...slash and james hetfield are not stupid guitarists...they are actually very brilliant song writers...just because some guy is some over the top metal shredder doesnt automatically make them the better guitarist...i dont think that malmsteen or romeo are as good song writers metal wise as james hetfield...better technicians and lead players of course but that doesnt make everything...but i do feel alexi buries hetfield in all departments
Elysian893 said:
i guess a lot of people need to grow up, move to child discos, and dump the joint... AYDY sucks.

You need to practise what you preach.
Grow up, you don't like AYDY, big deal get over it.
Give the broken record a rest and post how bad it is somewhere else.
Can everybody stop bitching for one sec and answer my damn question? Joonas doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Elysian is a bitch cuz he's tr00. BoDoM takes everything too seriously (prolly cuz he likes guys). Now that everyone is pissed at ME: Are there any movie samples in the final CD? :D
I personally think this album is a big deception as I was expecting it anyway ... there'are a good bunch of good things, but I can't honestly give it more than a 5/10 .... really deceiving !
And looking at all those fans, whaooo bodom rocks .... bodom is going down !
Of course, it's IMO !
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
That's the crappiest shit I've ever read :hotjump: :loco:
You should shut the fuck up and get a life dude. :wave:

My opinion is that this is the best CoB album, just not by such a large margin as I expected. You can keep your opinion and stick it in your ass, and I don't waste my life (yes, life) in bashing an album on an internet forum, but I can cheer for one a bit.
The Don said:
Can everybody stop bitching for one sec and answer my damn question? Joonas doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Elysian is a bitch cuz he's tr00. BoDoM takes everything too seriously (prolly cuz he likes guys). Now that everyone is pissed at ME: Are there any movie samples in the final CD? :D

No movie samples, and that's good. The way the CD starts makes up for that ten times.

I just think this was what CoB needed, to get out of the embarrasing music they made so much before this. I wouldn't mind some more solos though, I never said I didn't. This is darker than their previous albums, and I happen to like it - am I not allowed to have that opinion?
Jesse- said:
Are we being racists here or where are you aiming with that stupid aggressive comment?

That's not racist. but you're right, it was direct and maybe somewhat uncalled for, but you do need to just shut up and let people voice their opinions. That's what the internet is about; Porn, piracy and Bitching about bad movies/cds.

But the original comment you quoted me on could go to alexi though.. if it makes you happy. He wouldn't mind.. "He doesn't give a flying fuck motherfucker", s'long as he gets paid.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
You can keep your opinion and stick it in your ass, and I don't waste my life (yes, life) in bashing an album on an internet forum, but I can cheer for one a bit.

:lol: if I remember right, this is the only positive thing you have ever said about a CoB album on this board.

LifeDepraved said:
Does he say "Eat Pee" in "Are You Dead Yet?" the song, or is it just me?

Joonas Lehtonen said:
My opinion is that this is the best CoB album, just not by such a large margin as I expected. You can keep your opinion and stick it in your ass, and I don't waste my life (yes, life) in bashing an album on an internet forum, but I can cheer for one a bit.

Man... stop saying bullshit now. You were aiming to every old-bodom listeners telling them to go home/grow up. Which quite shows how much of music you understand.
And tell me where I wasted my life bashing AYDY?, I did give my opinion about it at the end of my last post and thats all. Oh, sorry, I may have spoken about it a bit overthere, but CoB is THE band I listen to, I think I'm allowed to know what's happening to them, to discuss their music. I thought the band forum was the right place.
Hahahahaha. This thread is rather interesting. This is a place to share opinions and views. Why are some of you telling each other to STFU and die? Some of you like the new album, some of you don't. It's all personal preference. I think it sucks ass. I have no interest in this generic shit pile they have just released, unto, an even greater generic shit pile that is the average American 'metal' listener. Stop insulting each other it's extremely gay, and also embarassing as a fan. Many of you can not string a plausible argument or sentence together without coming off as a fucking idiot. Then again, many of you really would "eat pee" if Alexi told you to. So I suppose I can't really expect much else from this message board than ignorant flaming and indecipherable ramblings. All in all, no one is going to be listening to this CD in a year, yet for myself, I still listen to Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper almost daily. That says a lot about the music quality. The song Hatebreeder, among other oldies, also has more melodies in it that half of AYDY. Whatever, I'm done, I'm just hugely dissapointed in both the band and the fans.
BoDoM0311 said:
are you dense?...slash and james hetfield are not stupid guitarists...they are actually very brilliant song writers...just because some guy is some over the top metal shredder doesnt automatically make them the better guitarist...i dont think that malmsteen or romeo are as good song writers metal wise as james hetfield...better technicians and lead players of course but that doesnt make everything...but i do feel alexi buries hetfield in all departments
Tell me, do you think ritchie blackmore is a top metal shredder? Actually, if I considered speed alone, I'd think that francesco fareri and rusty cooley are the best in the whole world. Which they aren't, they are very crappy. I stopped being stunned by fast licks when I learned to play fast, so that doesnt impress me anymore, I'm worried about music(but gaz does have a point).
People seem to be pretty aggressive out here. Better just drop good arguments instead of that STFU bullshit. I'd like to say anyway that I find AYDY Bodom's best effort so far, it takes some spins to get into it but I can promise everyone it's really worth it. Nasty, yet technical, full of beautiful melodies and hooks. I still don't like the way Janne tortures his keyboards but I gotta cope with it.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
No movie samples, and that's good. The way the CD starts makes up for that ten times.

I just think this was what CoB needed, to get out of the embarrasing music they made so much before this. I wouldn't mind some more solos though, I never said I didn't. This is darker than their previous albums, and I happen to like it - am I not allowed to have that opinion?

Haha. No movie samples = good? That was always the icing on the cake! Kinda sucks they didn't add any. That's no fun

Joonas, you are not allowed to have an opinion, but calling the old COB being fucking embarrassing (ESPECIALLY compared to the new stuff) is just idiotic. It makes you sound like a 13 year old metalcore kid, which I know you're not. And personally I don't find anything "dark" on AYDY? at all. Maybe heavier, but not darker. Dark was Everytime I Die, and Bed of Razors.

Getting back to AYDY, I hope they promote Bastards of Bodom or Punch Me, I Bleed after In Your Face. I would hate to see the title track reach the painted fingernails of the American audience..