AYDY Released


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
So the wait finally ended today. The CD had no lyrics included in the booklet, which was surprizing.. but there's no need for them. My first overall impression was like drowning into a sea.. you know, this panic, depth and rush of blood..

Living Dead Beat starts the album in a perfect way. And it's a great song with techno & rap attitude, and it's badass, satisfying and enjoyable in all ways.

Are You Dead Yet? is cool because it's pure metal, has a harsh attitude and the dissonance riff is cool.

If You Want Peace... I was somewhat disappointed with. I hate the regressive riff. But the horror sounds and the party riff save the song.

Punch Me I Bleed is just admirable.. it's not very charismatic but it's brilliant and personal and that makes it unique.

Next in Line isn't that legendary but it's got a beautiful little melody and singing part to it that save it.

Bastards of Bodom is basic heavy with this happy nice melody. I was expecting this one to be really crawling heavy with happy long melodies.

We're Not Gonna Fall is forgettable..

After the first few songs I thought I had heard the whole album. I missed these melodies such as in Angels Don't Kill, Everytime I Die and so on.. I give this album 8.9 out of 10. I'm definitely satisfied, the songs were what I expected, but obviously not everything that I anticipated.

My favourite songs are:

Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet?
Punch Me I Bleed
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Living Dead Beat starts the album in a perfect way. And it's a great song with techno & rap attitude, and it's badass, satisfying and enjoyable in all ways.

Let me be the first one to say RAP ATTITUDE EEEEEW im not paying for it.
It´s out a bit earlier in Finland...

I got all the songs too, but I ordered it weeks ago... so I´m getting my the 19th (or a bit later) with a free COB belt :p
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Living Dead Beat starts the album in a perfect way. And it's a great song with techno & rap attitude, and it's badass, satisfying and enjoyable in all ways.

What the fuck are you talking about?! What rap attitude?!
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Punch Me I Bleed is just admirable.. it's not very charismatic but it's brilliant and personal and that makes it unique.

Funny you say that when riffs are stolen from 5 Mins alone, Hard Lines; Sunken cheeks and This Love
Here's the review i did for metalism a few days back.

Are You Dead Yet? by Children Of Bodom
Released in 2005 on Spinefarm

Not being exactly hopeful about this CD, I fired up Windows Media Player and let rip with the first track. Going by what Janne said with regards to Hate Crew Death Roll about using more “Experimental Synth Sounds”, he seems to have taken this a step further. The CD’s opener “Living Dead Beat” opens with an almost electro synth section that totally defies the band’s character. By the end of the first song, I’d noticed that Children Of Bodom have changed their style somewhat, dropping a lot of the catchy melodic guitar/keyboard hooks that filled their older CDs with far more melodic vocals and big choruses that stick in your mind. That said, however, I’m not saying the CD is devoid of catchy guitar licks. There are plenty of melodic hooks and quirky turns that keep you interested, just the focus has been taken off them to a new generation of listeners not so able to cope with guitar based music.

The album is a lot more brutal than it’s predecessors, delivering a more full and thick sound than the earlier works. Artful, if you will, use of dissonant note combinations and chords stand out on the 2nd and title track, “Are you dead yet?” that may cause a few “What the fuck is he doing?” thoughts from the old listeners while new listeners of the American metal may feel at home amongst the sonic chaos.

The 3rd track, “If You Want Peace, Prepare For War” Starts off with an extremely technical thrashy riff that is unlike anything the band has done before. This is one of the standout tracks on the CD for me as it is an instant headbanger and will get you fired up. My only complaint with this song is the half-arsed excuse of a post-chorus melody that is running rampant through the song. If you can see past that, you’ll love this song.

Now the CD slows down somewhat for the 4th song “Punch Me, I Bleed”. If you can see past the somewhat hilarious song title, you’ll find a massive Pantera influence in this song much like “This Love” and with an intro taken straight from "Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks" with a followup riff from 5 Minutes Alone. The song is very slow, atmospheric and is one of my other standout tracks. Again, unlike anything Bodom has done before, I can only presume that, much like (Finntroll Guitarist) Teemu Raimoranta and the song Every Time I Die, this song (Punch Me...) will be dedicated to our fallen brother, Dimebag Darrell Lance Abbott.

After this, we have the recently released Single “In Your Face”. Having heard a live recording of this about 4 months ago I wasn’t really surprised with what I was getting upon first listen to the CDS I got shipped out from Finland. The song starts much like Trashed, Lost and Strungout giving a very generic pedalled C chord which does the job of building momentum before Janne’s slightly camp keyboard melody comes in with the driving rhythm section underneath. The song has the now infamous “I don’t give a flying fuck motherfucker!” pre-chorus that is frankly hilarious and shows somewhat that the CD is aimed towards a younger audience. Yet, with all that in mind, this, I think is my favourite song on the CD.

Next in line, we have “Next in line” (Yes, that was shite, I know). This song is very mid paced and highlights what I wrote earlier about it being a very vocal based album this time round. The only thing that really grabbed my attention with this song was the catchy chorus, but, as they say, “Cannae polish a turd!” This song will probably end up being the one you skip.

Rolling in at track number 7, we have Bastards of Bodom. This song has the best melody on the album and you will be humming it for a damned while. This song is a lot like older Bodom. Plenty guitar hooks to keep the most hardcore old-School Bodom Fan (Like myself), happy. If you got into CoB before Hate Crew Death Roll and think the Pre-HCDR music is their golden era, start with this song. The only thing I have to say is, Come on Alexi, Bastards of Bodom? What the hell were you thinking man? What happened to the badass “Bodom” related titles? Either way, can’t judge a book by it’s cover as this song delivers 10 times out of 10…Much like Shaft.

Now, those of you who have been into Children Of Bodom for more than 5 minutes will be aware of the Trashed Lost And Strungout EP. The song is probably the one that you will all either start the CD with or skip cause you’ve played it to death in the past 9 or 10 months. After much hype of a rerecorded solo and vocals, we find out that this isn’t the case and it’s the exact same version as the one on the CD. This is a bit of a shame because a new solo may have added some variation to the solos on this album.

The album closer, “We’re Not Gonna Fall” is the CD’s Anthem, Much like the Title Track of the 2003 CD Hate Crew Death Roll. The song is full of generic US-METAL guitar riffs and the occasional melodic hook to retain the Bodom sound. The chorus you will find yourself screaming along to at gigs yet still having no idea what the hell he is saying. It’s all good though because it’s the attitude that counts….right?.......

So now for the closing paragraph which most of you have probably just skipped right to.
This Bodom CD is clearly aimed at the new American market bringing a much heavier aspect to their music. I must admit, I was sceptical, I expected the worst. Did Bodom deliver? I’m going to say Yes they did. Prior to writing this review, I had the CD on repeat for about 3 hours trying to get myself into it. As a hardcore old-Bodom fan, I am not adjusting well to change but after the 10th or so listen. I find myself enjoying it more and more, noticing new things and generally getting into it more.

One thing I wish for in this CD would be that Alexi actually write different solos for the song. It sounds like he’s reusing the same solo 9 times throughout the record.

Bodom’s style has changed, it’s here to stay and I’m getting used to it. If you listen to this CD as a piece of music and NOT as a Children of Bodom CD, you will love it.


Review by Gavin Harper of Metalism UK

Reviewed by Gavin

1. Living Dead Beat
2. Are You Dead Yet?
3. If You Want Peace... Prepare for War
4. Punch Me I Bleed
5. In Your Face
6. Next in Line
7. Bastards Of Bodom
8. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
9. We're Not Gonna Fall

Vocals, guitars: Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho
Guitars: Roope Latvala
Bass: Henkka Blacksmith
Drums: Jaska Raatikainen
Keyboards: Janne Wirman

I got the album after i got home from work. And the songs are even more kickass with good cd quality :D I love this album! There are no techno nor rap attitude on living dead beat. And punch me I bleed is just as good as everytime I die and angels don't kill :D
DarkStEaLtH233 said:
Am I the only one who thinks We're Not Gonna Fall kicks royal ass? I love this song!

It kicks ass! Love the long fine solo at the end :D

And Gavin: There are different types of solos in each song on this album. Alexi still does his thing.
Okay just cut the fucking hell off with the techno/rap thing!!!!!!! I knew some (many) bastards would start bitching about that. How should I explain it? Like Soilwork in that one song, not the chorus..

We're Not Gonna Fall has very cool lyrics!! But the music.. I can't remember how it sounds like.
I love the beginning of Living Dead Beat and it's the best CoB song
I love the dissonance riff in AYDY
Hate that ("regression") riff too.. in If You Want Peace..
I had the feeling I had heard Punch Me I Bleed before..
In Your Face is different to all the others.. aimed at younger people maybe yeah, but it's true the melody is the most badass I've ever heard
I feel like there's sort of this same short solo playing differently in songs 3, 6 and 7.. Nothing special to it really, it just keeps you interested enough not to skip. This CD misses some solos.
T,L&S is so fucking irritating because I've heard it ten thousand times. And I can't believe the stupidity of the band as they did not re-record it. STUPID.
Songs 1, 2 and 4 are enough reason to be happy about this album.
Yeah, they sound the same. Gotta agree with that.
Actually, I think this new cd sounds pretty much the same song played nine times - They are very much alike
-Gavin- said:
As a guitarist, a shredder and a powermetaller. I'll tell you this. They all sound the same.
this man speaks the truth... the solos are pretty boring to me... as for listening to it as a piece of music, and not a children of bodom album, still doesn't do it for me... i'm certain if i had heard it without knowing who did it my response would have been the same... funny enough i'm american, and i don't like this kind of style... but it is true that it is geared towards the typical american metalhead, because most of them can't pull their heads out of pantera's ass long enough to find out there is better metal out there.