Purchases you were really fucking disappointed with?


This was a collaboration From Glenn Hughes(Deep Purple) and Pat Thrall(Pat Travers) that was released in 1982. I had been looking for it for a while and I found it and bought it. I was so excited because I thought it was gonna really kick my ass. Instead I get this this crap that sounds like music from a John Hughes film in the 80's. It had all this synth, and not good synth either. It was that gay 80's synth. This was horrible!!! Their was this girl at school and her dad was a big Purple fan so I sold the cd to him for 5 bucks.
damn this thread got long quick....but yeah i skimmed through and saw a lot about Iced Earth. thats one band i could never get into. the vocals don't do anything for me and the insturmental stuff, just never really blew me away. don't really find it to be anything special.

Silent Spirit said:
Wow! That is unbelievable!! Epica is an amazing CD and I cannont comprehend how you could become dis-enchanted with Kamelot from it! I would have to say that it is the most beautiful, best Kamelot CD to date. Grom Hellscream, you have my condolences, I cannot imagine Kamelot without this disc, and I'm truely sorry that you can't enjoy it, as so many of us do.

i agree. this was my first Kamelot cd and i loved it! 'center of the universe' was the first song i heard of theirs and it blew me away. Khan has one enchanting voice. i've heard a lot of good stuff about Karma so im thinkin i'll probably check that one out.
Symphony X- V
Symphony X- DWOT

Ha ha- just kidding. Those are probably the two best albums ever. The Odyssey is a great album, and not a dissapointment because you can't possibly expect Symphony X to top V.

Biggest disappointments for me were Anthrax (everything I heard of them, they are total shit) and Megadeth-The World Needs A Hero. This album totally drove me away from Megadeth.
Shinedown - Leave A Whisper

A solid effort in a sea of faceless alt-bands, but I still couldn't get into it.
One of my biggest disappointments ...

"Natural Born Chaos" by Soilwork. Great effort. Great production. Cool artwork. Catchy tunes. Still wasn't enough. I tried to like this album and gave it many spins before recognizing that it wasn't for me. Devin Townsend was a great choice for producing the album. Uh, but every song sounded the same. Period.
Pantera - Reinventing the Steel ....just noise, noise, more noise....
Judas Priest - Demolition ....I liked Jugulator, and I like Ripper's voice, but this record sucks donky dicks.
I've also heard the new Megadeth, which is comming out this fall. I heard how bad it is so I'm not getting fucked this time :)
Guitarmaster said:
One of my biggest disappointments ...

"Natural Born Chaos" by Soilwork. Great effort. Great production. Cool artwork. Catchy tunes. Still wasn't enough. I tried to like this album and gave it many spins before recognizing that it wasn't for me. Devin Townsend was a great choice for producing the album. Uh, but every song sounded the same. Period.

Wow I actually thought it was one of the most coolest albums I discovered this year...
Evil Ernie said:
Pantera - Reinventing the Steel ....just noise, noise, more noise....
Judas Priest - Demolition ....I liked Jugulator, and I like Ripper's voice, but this record sucks donky dicks.
I've also heard the new Megadeth, which is comming out this fall. I heard how bad it is so I'm not getting fucked this time :)

Megadeth - The System Has Failed = BAD?!? :hypno: :guh: :u-huh: :confused:
You must be listening to a different TSHF than I, becuase TSHF is AWESOME!!

As for most dsappointed album, I must add Helmet - Strap It On, Smashing Pumpkins - Adore, and Red Hot Chili Peppers - One Hot Minute, as well as a HORRIBLE soundtrack in Batman and Robin that weas bought for the two SP songs that were on it....
One of my biggest disappointments ...

"Natural Born Chaos" by Soilwork. Great effort. Great production. Cool artwork. Catchy tunes. Still wasn't enough. I tried to like this album and gave it many spins before recognizing that it wasn't for me. Devin Townsend was a great choice for producing the album. Uh, but every song sounded the same. Period.

I thought it was one of the best albums released in the past 3 years.
My post about Barlow was harsh as fuck, man I had to have been so pissed I couldn't even think. He's one of my all-time favs and kudos to him joining Pyramaze and their coming reign of the metal genre. :cool: But with that said I still think Days of Purgatory was utter shit.

Alright lemme see here... *looks at stack of CDs* Stratofairyus - S/T. Holy fucking shit! Are you kidding me?! Good god what the hell?!?!!?!?! The only songs on there I can barely tolerate are "Fight!!!" (I think one exclamation mark was excessive enough but 3?), and "United". The elements albums are gold compared to this pile of uncreative shit.

"Zeeeneeeeth of poweeerr!!" Oh my fucking god...
dillenger, calculating infinity... a bunch of people were telling me how awesome it was, and i had to turn it off before the second track ended... it turned me off a whole genre of music really.
One of my biggest disappointments ...

"Natural Born Chaos" by Soilwork. Great effort. Great production. Cool artwork. Catchy tunes. Still wasn't enough. I tried to like this album and gave it many spins before recognizing that it wasn't for me. Devin Townsend was a great choice for producing the album. Uh, but every song sounded the same. Period.
Sounded the same? naa, Turn To Stone is probably the best Soilwork song. Pumps me up when I hear it,...great liftin weights song!