Purchases you were really fucking disappointed with?

Anything post-Mother's Milk by RHCP is crap, IMO

John Sykes - Nuclear Cowboy - Who'd have thought Sykes would go industrial/electronica....EVER! All has been forgiven.....

DT Systematic Chaos - Finally, DT have crossed the line, and even as a completist, I don't need, nor want, this taking up any space on my shelf.
None so far, I carefully choose everything I buy, but there is some CD, athough they are not bad, that I don't listen at all! Like some Rhapsody sorry Rhapsody of flame, or fire, wathever!
What?! Job For A Cowboy aren't melodic death metal?! My whole perception of metal has been turned upside down!
:lol: @ Kenneth & Aeonblade

The greatest disappointment? Since I love NIME very much, the following disc ANATO was a great disappointment for me. The title track is awesome but the rest are not so great.
what the fuck :zombie: NIME is ze best album ever, almost

After one of my friends was going on about it I was expecting the musical equivalent of the second coming of Jesus or some such.... What I got was an album with no bass in it and a vocalist whose diet seems to consist of shattered windshield and battery acid. I could maybe have handled it if those two issues were rectified.... maybe...

why the fuck would you buy linkin park? :lol:

Youthful stupidity? Other than that I dunno... I throw myself on the mercy of the forum!! :cry:
I buy a CD every friday. One friday, didn't know what to buy, was looking around, "at the gates", hmmmmmm heard of these guys, arent a couple of them in that brutal metal machine that is "the Haunted". "With fear I kiss the burning darkness" what a brutal name for an album, and the cover art is pretty brutal as well. This must be a good cd.


Worst CD I ever bought, the production was the worst I have ever heard, you can't hear the bass at any point in the album, and yet the booklet listed a bassist. I hope he doesnt get royalties, he doesnt deserve any. The solos are all crap, cant really make out whats going on with the riffs because the guitar tone sounds shitter than one of those matchbox amplifiers.

Maybe if this CD was mixed by someone who could hear, it would be better.
I buy a CD every friday. One friday, didn't know what to buy, was looking around, "at the gates", hmmmmmm heard of these guys, arent a couple of them in that brutal metal machine that is "the Haunted". "With fear I kiss the burning darkness" what a brutal name for an album, and the cover art is pretty brutal as well. This must be a good cd.


Worst CD I ever bought, the production was the worst I have ever heard, you can't hear the bass at any point in the album, and yet the booklet listed a bassist. I hope he doesnt get royalties, he doesnt deserve any. The solos are all crap, cant really make out whats going on with the riffs because the guitar tone sounds shitter than one of those matchbox amplifiers.

Maybe if this CD was mixed by someone who could hear, it would be better.
it's not the album, it's you