putting this off for too long (shredding content)

I've been learing it for a week now. Spent the first few days playing 90-110 BPM, then a few days at 90-130 BPM. Today I crashed out at 160 BPM.

The thing about getting past those speed barriers is that you have to really focus when you practice slow. Keep loose in your hands but tight with your timing. Try not to get frustrated when you make a mistake, remain calm and loose and aim for precision. It is when you play really consistent and clean at a slow speed that it helps, but again you must keep focused when you play slow. That is where you're teaching your hands and your brain the notes, so even though you're playing slow and you might get bored it is the most important time to keep the mental power high.

FWIW, I've been playing over 10 years, haven't had much practice in the last year and this week has been the biggest help because I've gone back to the start to work on my technique and in that week I've broken my previous barrier.
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^^that exercise it´s not too hard if it´s done with only downstrokes. Well but doing that shit at the same speed with only downstrokes it´s already hard. Alternate picking at high velocities still is my main problem, especially when exist a constant change of strings in rhytmic sections with palm mutes.
Holy fuck that Born lick is awesome, first time I've heard it on its own (but oooh man what a nauseating Pod tone :ill: )