question about Deicide--The Stench Of Redemption

He just thanked God for all the opportunities given to him, and Jesus for showing him the way to a good, moral life.
:lol: As soon as I got the Stench of Redmeption I checked to see if Ralph Santolla thanked God or Jesus in the booklet, I was going to laugh my ass of if he did.:)
I heard really good things about Stench of Redemption so I watched the vid for Homage to Satan and it completely put me off buying the album. The riffs & song structure are really amateur sounding for a band that's been around for so long, the extended solo sections are really wanky and unnecessary and his vocals are annoying as hell these days.

I have seen deicide twice. I remember one time Glen threatening to beat the shit out of the soundguy for a good hour inbetween every song. I was wondering if the sound guy thought he was actually going to get off stage and do it.
To be honest I don't know what bass sounds like. It just sounds too similar to the guitar to my ears. I would ask for y'all to help me figure out the sound differences but blah I'm sure that can't be helped by typing on a keyboard.
He's the most important person in that band.
I don't know what his bass playing sounds like.
I'm liking their albums.
I'm not saying they're the greatest DM band of all time or the best currently around, but they're one of the early forefathers of DM.
I think they said that about his guitar skills maybe, but really it means nothing coming from them...the Hoffman brothers are shitty guitarists themselves.

I stood near brian at a deicide show once and he was easily one of the worst lead guitarists.
I stood near brian at a deicide show once and he was easily one of the worst lead guitarists.

Of course, his technical ability means very little to me. I don't get where the love for technical ability for its own sake is such a widespread opinion in metal. If I wanted to hear guitar wankery, I'd listen to Vai or Satriani or whomever.

An example would be with Celtic Frost - they peaked (in my opinion) with Morbid Tales - when they could barely play their instruments. That's because the songwriting is superb, and the energy palpable. As soon as they could play, it has been game over for these tired old ears (up until Monotheist, that is).

To some extent, that has been the same with Deicide for me. Sure, they may not have every broken any musical boundaries, but they have produced at least two or three memorable songs per album - and really, that's a rare accolade in extreme metal as a whole. So what if the Hoffmans couldn't finger tap ? Personally, as long as they made good riffs that sounded awesome to my ears, I couldn't give a flying shit.
I fully realized the significance of celtic frost for the time so it gives me a complete different perspective on them. I do not listen to morbid tales and think of their musicianship being bad or lackluster, their drummer for example is great and really pulls the music. Deicide is not standing out or doing any different or significant for the time in the fields of death metal so the musicianship becomes more of a factor and something noticible to me.

Tom G. Warriors guitar playing does not sound choppy or ridged to me so imo he is a better guitarist than the hoffmans because he's actually fluent.