question about hatcrew

to me, all the songs sound like generic, unorginal shit.

i dont now...i cant tell you how depressing and upseting it is to hear my favorite band putting out such garbage (in my opinon, of course)

take bodom beach terror....the chorus is one of the most plain, generic choruses ive ever heard in my anyone could like it is beyond me.

i so wish i could love it like you guys do but its just not happening....ive been forcing myslelf to like it but nothings happening.

i still love cob tho....but im terribly dissapointed
i liked it on the first listen. sixpounder, chokehold, BBT, and LBRRH took a little longer to grow on me, but overall, i really like the album.
And I, for example, thought and still think that Hatebreeder is shit. It just doesn't sound the right way for me. FTR and HCDR rule. I loved HCDR & FTR on the first listening and I still can't start to like Hatebreeder - I've listened to it every day for a month now and I still think it is shit. So don't get pissed. It is normal that you don't like an album.
it's my favorite COB album... took one listen. Needled 24/7 was instantly awesome. Angels Don't Kill is the best COB song. Triple Corpse Hammerblow owns severely.

1 - Hate Crew Deathroll
2 - Something Wild
3 - Follow the Reaper
4 - Hatebreeder

hatebreeder is still a great album, but the others are much better.
Hatebreeder is the best CoB album IMO.
FTR and HCDR both rock in their ways, FTR being the melodic one and HCDR being the heavy one with enormous energy.
Something Wild is also a cool album even though it lacks at times.

NP: Rammstein - Sonne
HCDR took me about a week to love. The first listens I didn't like. For some reason, I was upset because I didn't hear many solos and whatever. No keyboard guitar battles or anything except for Angels Don't Kill. Hatebreeder is my fav album and HCDR is next.
Kissing the Shadows has a 1 minute and 55 second solo section. Towards Dead End has a long ass one too. HCDR doesn't have things like that, and that's why i didn't like it as much. I love it now though. You get me?
Can't compare it at all. Lemme tell ya something about KTS. When I first heard the 2 min solo section at the end, I seriously was amazed and called everyone I knew to show them. I was hooked for life. sweeping, rolling, tapping, it's got it all. not to mention Janne
i took me a long time to enjoy some ok the HCDR new album, and there are still song i cannotstick on. I love the whole disk, it's fuckin great, but i just dont feel them as i love hatebreeder, or FTR. hatebreeder and FTR had concept we could stick on(i use to write Follow the reaper everywhere i could, and i must have draw some toushand of reaper on my school sheet :p)

But HCDR is just an awesome disk for me, nothing less, nothing more, expect Bodom ebach terror whose i could die after listened to
well after having much time with (30+ listens) i have came to the conclusion that it is an "ok" album. it grew on me some but not as much as i wanted it too. its still my least fav. cob album as well. :(

something wild-8
hatecrew deathroll-6
hcdr is my least favorite too. of course it was awesome when i first listened to it. anything is. but alexi drew in too much punk influence, and well we all know how shit punk is. you can see the shittiness in the songs. so generic. there are barely any cool riffs, just a bunch of powerchords. oh well maybe the next album will be cool, or the next sinergy album. both the new cob and sinery lacked. time for a music enlightenment.