question about hatcrew

Needled24Seven said:
you gotta be kidding me. esp since your music is so shitty. plus the new sinergy is by far their best. generic i dont think you even know the meaning of generic *caugh* your music*caugh*. cool riffs their are tons chokehold for instance. everyone is much more talented this time around. the only thing not quite as good is the duels between alexi and janne(ala kissing the shadows):)
hm at least i have people to backup my shitty music. you're on your own bud. dont turn this thread into a personal argument now.

let your opinion be yours, ill let mine be mine.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
HCDR took me about a week to love. The first listens I didn't like. For some reason, I was upset because I didn't hear many solos and whatever. No keyboard guitar battles or anything except for Angels Don't Kill. Hatebreeder is my fav album and HCDR is next.

I totally understand you there. The first time I heard HCDR I was expecting some great solos ala Kissing The Shadows (which is still the best COB performance IMO), but those never came. I got a little upset but then I realized that it still sounded good. The bass is much more present and the whole song sounds somewhat heavier....It's definitely different from previous COB's achievements, but it's still good.

I wish they get back to their old style tough.
Yeah, they have changed from a neo-classical metal band to a fucking heavy metal band. I like it though, I'll tell ya, blasting HCDR while driving is so great. The best album to drive to IMO.

I think the sound is heavier because they doubled up on all of the guitar parts.