Question about latest video(Monday Morning Apocalypse)

Josua Corel

New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2007
Just wondering why you went to quicktime for this video. I prefer WMV or mpeg as i cannot dl quicktime videos to my mp3 player. I use creative labs products and have since i got my first mp3 player and i like them very much. Perhaps you could make it in all 3 formats to please all of us not just the ipod users.

p.s. it seems as though quicktime videos have a lesser quality than the wmv to me
It really comes down to the quality the video was encoded at by the creator when it comes to the top video formats. MOV, AVI and MPG can be of the same quality for file size, it just depends on whether the video is being created with small webspace or bandwidth in mind, and the hardware on which it is most likely to be played.

There are programs out there that convert between formats though.