Question and Answer Thread

Bryant said:
A: Oh yeah, I'm going to take the lovable hero..."Raising Hell Man" (what I call my three month old when he gets fussy) to the Bahamas with me. :grin: Yeah right. The closest I would get to a trip this year would be dropping the boy off at the parents for the night and doing a hit of acid. Ha ha ha
I will be at Prog Power of course though...

Q: who besides me wants to break shit everytime they advertize some new "reality" show ?


A: You said it, My mom watches all these stupid shows, like the Rock Star INXS drives me fucking insane, I just start one of my famous American Mass Media rants and bitch about everything.

Q: What is the most recent band that you hated at first and now you either like them or are slowly getting into.
Q: What is the most recent band that you hated at first and now you either like them or are slowly getting into.

A: Slaughter !! They fucking rip !! I thought they were typical "hair" band stuff.

Q: Name one male more sexy than moi !!

dargormudshark said:
oops forgot a question

Q: Favortie mammal in that people call monkeys (Chimpanzes, Gorillas, Baboons, Lemurs, Monkeys, etc.)

A: Gorillas or Orangutauns...I can sit and watch those for hours as they are very much like us when not listening to metal....picking shit out of our hair, scratching butts, rolling in the dirt, making funny faces...etc etc etc. though lemurs are pretty cute!

Q:Who's the hottest woman or man for you? (Mel, always and forever!)
kittybeast said:
A: Gorillas or Orangutauns...I can sit and watch those for hours as they are very much like us when not listening to metal....picking shit out of our hair, scratching butts, rolling in the dirt, making funny faces...etc etc etc. though lemurs are pretty cute!

Q:Who's the hottest woman or man for you? (Mel, always and forever!)

A: tara reid

Q: same
dargormudshark said:
A: are beating off to a pic of Scabbia

Q: Have you had the distinct pleasure of being enlightened by Angel Dust's second album "To Dust you will Decay"

A: yes i was my last task before i could convert to buhdism.

Q: do you get hooked to any of bon jovi's song? cmon dont lie..."youu giive looove a baad name!" im a sucker for that chorus.
No-Mercy said:
Q: do you get hooked to any of bon jovi's song? cmon dont lie..."youu giive looove a baad name!" im a sucker for that chorus.

A: Oh hell yes. Tons of them. What can I say? The band knows how to write a hook. "I'm not old. Just olderrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Q: What other hook band are you ashamed you listen to?
A: well first off, I am not ashamed to listen to anything (if I like it, I like it), but maybe I like the first 2 Motley Crue albums and Home Sweet Home, although I despise Nikki Sixx.

Q: Female Drummers? No matter how good they are, don't they look a little funny when they play drums?
dargormudshark said:
A: well first off, I am not ashamed to listen to anything (if I like it, I like it), but maybe I like the first 2 Motley Crue albums and Home Sweet Home, although I despise Nikki Sixx.

Q: Female Drummers? No matter how good they are, don't they look a little funny when they play drums?

A: i have a friend, marlene, whos a drummer. hah i guess she does somewhat, but shes so hot behind her set, aahh!!!

Q: same
No-Mercy said:
A: i have a friend, marlene, whos a drummer. hah i guess she does somewhat, but shes so hot behind her set, aahh!!!

Q: same

A: I can't say for certain, but I don't see any reason why a woman couldn't absolutely burn a drumset down. My wife never played a bass in her life (though she played different wind instruments like flute) and also never played by ear only sheet music. She picked up a bass one day and learned how to play a Stevie Nicks song in an hour.

Q: Which is more important: Lyrics or the delivery of the said lyrics ?

Well the delivery is important because that affects the music more. For example if you don't know English it doesn't matter what the lyrics are but the delivery is a major part of the vocals. So it's more important to deliver the lyrics well, but it is a diefinite plus when a band has good lyrics.

Q: Old TM vs. New TM?
No-Mercy said:
A: new tm. old tm rocks, but cmon undead-modus vivendi is REAL "ultimate metal". you cant beat that shit, but both respect to older tm members. :rock:

Q: whats your favorite "side-project" ( DEMONS AND WIZARDS!! \M/ )

A: Ascension Theory. Nobody here knows them, but they have a cool vibe.

Q: Political question... (I think even the Europeans could relate to this) who thinks a "two-party system sucks ?
