Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Not that big, but some influence.

Q: How do you feel?
a: hungry and a bit surprised that you are listening to guns 'n roses.

q: have you ever seen guns 'n roses live?
A: Nope. I was too young back then. And their recent tour thing... I dunno what's up with that.

Q: Which band would you want to see live (at this moment)?
A: Dark Tranquillity! (Actually, I had dream the other night where before the dt show began, Mikael said that they're cancelling the show and dt will no longer exist). :waah:

Q: Which band(s) that no longer exist that you wanted to see live?
what happens if i dont say dt's character?
i dont really know, there are way too many good albums that have come out or about to be released. Some of my favorites right now are Darkane - Layers Of Lies, Hypocrisy - Virus, and of course dt - Character

whats the longest time you've spent speaking to someone on the phone?
A: 2 hours with Squeak.

Q: Does flirting equate to leading someone onto them?
a: depends. flirting with a long-time friend with whom you know exactly where you stand, no, not at all. flirting with a new acquaintance who might like you, yes, although it can be done in good faith.

q: have you ever met someone who made others suffer on purpose?
@hyena: I really want to thank you for that answer.

A: Yes, I've met people like that. Ex-gf, for example (long story).

Q: If you had your way (get away with it), would you hurt someone because they hurt you?
A: Same answer as MorbidEnemy's.

Q: What are your initials?
A: Big Daddy Bossman. (aka Mr. La Rocque).

Q: Who do you hate?
Arch said:
Q: Who do you hate?

A: It's too much to say "myself" and too little to say "her"... I'm more in peace with the world and myself at the moment.

Q: While hate is overrated, how would you express/use it if you had a chance?
emo-slashing of wrists, of course - state of the art.

what's more disgusting? people digging in their nose or people digging in their ears with the car key?
A: Car key one... just so funny to see someone doing that. :)

Q: What web browser do you use?
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