Question & Answer Thread -

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Hitori said:
Q: last night you didn't sleep at all and why?

A: I slept well, thank you :)

Q: Metric system or English units?

"Metal look@ is SO ridiculous, I can't even find an appropriate word for it :) You are either metal or you are not...

edit: this statement is even fucking more ridiculous :D
A: Metric system. English units suck my eyeballs.

Q: What is your biological, mental and emotional age?
MorbidEnemy said:
do you like to finish what you start?

A: If I started, I don't step out of the door without ejaculation. MY own. //how fucked up is that? Ah well - Saturday night...

Q: Do you ALWAYS finish what you started?
A: No, not always.

Q: What was the last thing you finished?
A: It depends on the weather, how tired i am when i fall in bed, what time of the day it is and what i was wearing previously. These days it could be anything from night-dress to shirt+shorts to pyjamas.

Q: Do you feel you were dropped in the right part of the earth? If not, where should you have been dropped?
A: Yes.

Q: UM slow for you?
A: I can't get the Quick Reply feature to work.

Q: Can you?
A: Yes. Thanks!

Q: Ready for 2006?
A: Hmm, perhaps.

Q: Were you ever involved with any fads, such as pog-collecting or virtual pet owning?
A: Nope.

Q: What makes you smile?
A: Listen to sappy music nonstop. :)

Q: What colour are your eyes?
A: there is no heaven, there is nothing after life

Q: how big is the universe, when was it "born" and how long will it live?
A1: Heaven is being with and spending time with the love of my life.

A2: The universe is infinitely big and it will live pretty damn long, if my calculations are correct.

Q: Do you like math?
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