Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Of course. In Scotland.
A2: Lyrics: Goodbye to Romance (Ozzy Osbourne). Cheezy sappy melodic song about remembering the fun and happiness of yesteryears. I'm not going to post lyrics. Those can be googled.

Q: Can you lick your elbow?
A1: This time I'm mistaken // for handing you a heart worth breaking
A2: No but i can have plenty of people lick it for me if i want.

Q: What's the first thing that goes through your mind when i say "lightning"?
a dude whose nickname was lightnin. aw, i'm such a geek.

do you blow your nose with small or large amounts of noise?
A: Very small. Large amount of noise = lots of pain to my nose.

Q: Did you get a good amount sleep last night?
yeah, though it was the "mighty sleep of booze", which means i wasn't exactly refreshed when i woke up.

do you, generally, tend to care, or do you usually don't give a fuck?
A: I don't know, but it's not all that original. If you wonder, everyone will wonder as well "wasn't that name used by some other band already?". Go for something more memorable, like "Antichrist licks my balls". Or "Antichrist, lick my eyeballs". I'd totally go for the last one.

Q: How old is the dust in your room?
between a few days and... 10+ years maybe

did your high school (or other school when you were 13-18ish) have any ritual such as "freshman friday" when all the first year students are harassed and/or written on?
A: No. But all high schools have the unofficial ritual of the students dropping water-bombs on each other the last day(s) of the school year.

Q: When does the uni/school year start where you live?
A: Beats the SHIT out of ME.

Q: Bands with make up and/or masks = ridiculous?
A: extremely, especially masks (it's not carnival, dammit). but makeup is more gay than ridiculous. unless we're talking about a girl band of course.

Q: metal look = ridiculous?
A: Nevar!

Q: The marriage of Siren + Wolfman von Jones = fact or fiction?
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