Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Yuck. :ill:

Q: Are you good at "figuring people out"?
La Rocque said:
Q: What is Your favorite sports team?

A: Jordan, Rodman, Kukoch, Langley and 2 more I forgot... =/ Used to love warching them playing... yeah, I still remember catching those repeats on cable :)

Q: These pretzels are making me thirsty and what is your fav DT bonus-track?
a: i rather am the thorn in your eye am the thorn in your eye etc. etc. ad infinitum.

q: what do you like to do when it rains?
A: Now that my hair is long enough to fly in it, yeah I do. Wind is a lot of fun.

Q:How many beers does it take you to get drunk? (for me that's about 8-9 but I'm handicaped : I weigh 130 pds)
A: Yes.

Q: Why do fools fall in love?
A: I wouldn't know... I'm not too foolish, and I don't have any money to keep or be parted with, so...

Q: have you ever had an aphrodisiac?
A: I have come to appreciate verse, whereas I used to really dislike poetry. I think it really is an acquired taste and implies a lot of analysis in order to properly enjoy it. I still believe the most honest type of poetry is BAD poetry, though.
Despite everything, I still prefer prose.

Q: good question, how about you?
Thanks. =)

A: I find much more freedom in prose than in verse. It's easier to say what i want to say, and in the end it usually comes out better (when i try to write in verse i usually end up hitting backspace and destroying a very lame text in a matter of seconds). I used to like poetry in verse a lot, but now i find poetic prose speaks so much more to me.

Q: Have you ever gotten tired of being everyone's psychologist (in the sense of always being the one who's there for people and helps them out)? Have you ever felt it's their turn to listen and your turn to rant?
solefald said:
q:did you ever tried antideppressiva?

A: I have to pop up Xanax every time I go to the dentist now :) But is it really antidepressant? Otherwise - no.

Q: Show me some love! :dopey:
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