Question for female metalheads

Fredy_Brown said:
When I used to dressed in a metal way, I was isolated from "normal looking" people, which sucked, cause I found lot of good persons among them.

I dont think "good persons" would mind if I wore band shirts and the likes anyway so I dont really see your point.
Johanna said:
I dont think "good persons" would mind if I wore band shirts and the likes anyway so I dont really see your point.
You would start the conversation with someone in green day shirt? I doubt, maybe I am wrong. And that person can bee wise and kind and stuff.
Fredy_Brown said:
You would start the conversation with someone in green day shirt? I doubt, maybe I am wrong. And that person can bee wise and kind and stuff.

Just as much as I would start a conversation with a random person in a plain black shirt. However, true, its more likely that I start a conversation with a person in a bathory shirt cause I know that we probably have at least something in common. Call me insane but I dont approach people and talk to them if I dont have anything to say.

Anyway, my point was: if it bothers that person so much that I listen to metal then I doubt that person would be a good person for me to hang out with.

I dont know if Im making any sense or if Im just ordbajsing.
I'm with Erik. Why do metal shirts always have to be plastered front and back with ugly text and stupid things like square pictures of album covers instead of just a black shirt with a nice logo on it.

agreed. I got a sweet Vader rip-off T from Poland with the vader logo in bold red on black, and a black and white live shot on the back.

Cool as hell.

Bands put so much time into a killer logo, and then minimalise them on T shirts ?

Johanna said:
Just as much as I would start a conversation with a random person in a plain black shirt. However, true, its more likely that I start a conversation with a person in a bathory shirt cause I know that we probably have at least something in common. Call me insane but I dont approach people and talk to them if I dont have anything to say.

Anyway, my point was: if it bothers that person so much that I listen to metal then I doubt that person would be a good person for me to hang out with.

I dont know if Im making any sense or if Im just ordbajsing.
I can see your point and I agree but probably most of metalheads would be disgusted by someone with that shirt.
Fredy_Brown said:
I know that lot of metalheads have friend in metal crowds only, that´s bad, people might not judge people by music taste.

That's because many Metalheads are anti-social in one way or another and it's a lot easier to get along with somebody that is passionate about the same kind've thing you're passionate about. I prefer to meet people that listen to Metal, simply because being as involved as I am in music, my worldviews, my listening habits, etc. it is not common to meet a "normal" person who is very understanding about my personality. I do have friends that listen to rap music and other such things, very good friends but we're on a different page in a lot of areas.

Fredy_Brown said:
When I used to dressed in a metal way, I was isolated from "normal looking" people, which sucked, cause I found lot of good persons among them.

Either way, you might still be missing out on meeting certain types of people no matter which way you dress. I generally just don't go up to people and start talking though, I meet very little people other then the occasional person I'll meet in line at a Metal show or guys from local bands. This will prove my point: I struck up conversation with a girl at the movie store the other night simply because she commented on my Emperor shirt when I went to the register, generally I would've said "Thanks" and "Have a good night" and been on about my way.

I honestly don't care about how you dress, it doesn't make you any less "tr00" or anything but apparently you seem to have a problem with the way I dress (not specifically, mind you) and my "limited" range of musical tastes. I find a good deal of the bands and artists you like that are not Metal bands to be part of a growing social disease and have no reason to give them support. I like other music other then Metal but I find mainstream bands to be so popular simply because of the large amounts of money poured into them. They are completely engineered to appeal to as much people as possible.
ProjectedBlack said:
I like other music other then Metal but I find mainstream bands to be so popular simply because of the large amounts of money poured into them. They are completely engineered to appeal to as much people as possible.
And what´s wrong about money? If the musical level don´t go down, there is nothing bad abour band´s commercial success.
Can you admit the fact, that not everyone one wants to listen to the complex music? (and mind that metal is not complex music at all) That some one has music just like a tool to relax? Or dance?
ProjectedBlack said:
That's because many Metalheads are anti-social in one way or another and it's a lot easier to get along with somebody that is passionate about the same kind've thing you're passionate about. I prefer to meet people that listen to Metal, simply because being as involved as I am in music, my worldviews, my listening habits, etc. it is not common to meet a "normal" person who is very understanding about my personality. I do have friends that listen to rap music and other such things, very good friends but we're on a different page in a lot of areas.

I find this all the time. Although I could potentially be friends with anyone as I am a very tolerant person I just find that in general people that listen to Metal (or just don't listen to commercial rubbish) are more likely to have similar interests to me, and more importantly less likely to be offended by my worldviews.

Either way, you might still be missing out on meeting certain types of people no matter which way you dress.

Exactly, people will make judgements based on your appearance regardless of what you try to present. But really, unless you're shy as hell I don't think it's that hard to meet "normal" people not matter how metal you look. One of my best friends wears a trenchcoat and obscene metal shirts most days and has a full beard and long hair and he has the most and varied friends of anyone I know... he's just a really outgoing person who is not afraid to go up to anyone, even if it is just to scare the shit out of them.
Fredy_Brown said:
And what´s wrong about money? If the musical level don´t go down, there is nothing bad abour band´s commercial success.
Can you admit the fact, that not everyone one wants to listen to the complex music? (and mind that metal is not complex music at all) That some one has music just like a tool to relax? Or dance?

I don't care what music they listen to, however you're missing the point. The music is designed to appeal to as many people as possible and if you havn't noticed a majority of people are extremely stupid. It appeals to a mass culture that I hate, so I will have nothing to do with it.
Fredy_Brown said:
I dress more preppy than music that I listen to is :)
I don´t see any reason why to dress in a metal way when I listen to the metal...I used to, but I found it useless + I think you shoud have a good taste not just in music, but in literature, movies or dressing too and metal clothes are quality and look stereotype. + wearing black only is stereotypical too.
Hmm and about those friends, I know that lot of metalheads have friend in metal crowds only, that´s bad, people might not judge people by music taste. When I used to dressed in a metal way, I was isolated from "normal looking" people, which sucked, cause I found lot of good persons among them.

Dressing "metal" doesn't necessarily mean dressing gothic. I dress in a band shirt and jeans and I don't get too much shit for it. Every once in a while some faggy prep will give me shit for it because they think everything is gothic. Also you don't have to be "normal". Your supposed to be yourself and not give a shit what other people think of you.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Dressing "metal" doesn't necessarily mean dressing gothic. I dress in a band shirt and jeans and I don't get too much shit for it. Every once in a while some faggy prep will give me shit for it because they think everything is gothic. Also you don't have to be "normal". Your supposed to be yourself and not give a shit what other people think of you.
And who the fuck said it is gothic?
Hhahaa, now we're talking about what we wear? Cool. I spend way too much on clothing. I'm wearing a shirt right now that was $80+.

I like it when metalheads wear said clothing because I'm always trying to find people around here into Metal. There are a few guys... three of them I met and I don't like, unfortunately. There are about two more, but I'm too shy to go up to them.

np: SLaughtered Fields of Christ-Summer of George
Susperia said:
Hhahaa, now we're talking about what we wear? Cool. I spend way too much on clothing. I'm wearing a shirt right now that was $80+.

I could buy almost 5 shirts for $80

Susperia said:
I like it when metalheads wear said clothing because I'm always trying to find people around here into Metal. There are a few guys... three of them I met and I don't like, unfortunately. There are about two more, but I'm too shy to go up to them.

Male Metalheads will be all too happy to have a girl walk up to them and start talking about Metal, trust me.
ProjectedBlack said:
The thing that sort of irks me about Metal shirts is a lot of them are plastered with pentagrams and wearing them will get you shit from somebody in your family, friends, people you know, etc. I had somebody bitch about my Darkthrone shirt once for this sole reason.

When I read that, I decided that I wnat to see a dark (I don't specifically mean black) metal band selling a T-shirt with something like this, except done well, rather than badly by me with MS paint.

My clothing is black, and I wear my jumper's hood most of the time. This isn't because I want to dress metal-y, its because thats how I like to cover myself in fabric. I also have thick, shoulder-length hair that I should brush more often, but when I do it become sort of afro-y, except floppy.

P.S. do you know the point of that last paragraph? If you do, please tell me because I'd like to know.

On the topic of dressing metal, does anyone else find it difficult in the particular climate they live in? I always find in the full force of Summer I end up looking more like a bogan than a metalhead. Like right now I am wearing cargo short-shorts, a black tank top and thongs... now I just need the beer to complete the picture.