Question For Mikael

Crimson Death

El Basilisco
Jan 24, 2002

1: I've been wondering for a long while, you're probably the most talented lyric writer I know, very sophisticated and such, I was wondering what are your literal influences?

2: What's your favorite lyric line from songs? (Not your songs)

3: What's your favorite computer game?
well im not Mikael (although you never know ;) ) but hes said in the past hes never known what to say when people ask him about lyrics, he just writes them and blah blah, anyway i dont know if that helps, he just doesnt comment on lyrics...
Thanx anyhow... By the way? here's a question for _Transparent_: Will the world end before they will bring any good metal bands to frigging Israhell?? I need to see something good, kidnap Macabre or something for me and ship them over here! :)
When Opeth were recording Still Life or Mayh, they spent a lot of the studio time playing resident evil. How lazy is that
Yup, Mikael and Anders from katatonia are pretty avid gamers. I do remember Mikael saying in Milwaukee that the two wanted to shop around from some cheap PS1 games.

Originally posted by DogVomit

Yeah, but it doesn't matter...look how good those albums turned out!


Hey, Lazy is cool, I´m THE lazyest (sp) human being in Europe. the Lay Z boy chairs are the most metal furniture you can get your hands on!!!
i've been wondering.... how the hell does mikael write english SOOOOO good? he has a better vocabulary than most english speaking people i've known/heard/read... it's not even his native language. HOW?