ov Doom
ok ok BS I m not telling you that you are wrong in being an atheist ok? But pls just as much as you have the right to believe in something, I have the right to do so too. I've read something about all types of religion, and spent some time as an atheist too but I have found fulfillment in christianity. Anyway for me as long as we humans live a life which fulfills us and our loved ones it's ok, and it does not matter what religion you follow. Furthermore do not call me brainwashed , cause I am not. If I have read the bible and believed in it, maybe you have read another book by an atheist and agreed with his beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day everybody is influenced, and as long as we humans do not do harm to each other and live in peace it's ok
lol @mike's comment keep on rockin'man)
Well said