For any other questions..Feel free!! I will reply
- When I chug down lager, my usual burping settings are : Attack=0 Decay=0 Sustain=5 Release=10. How about you ?
- Do you have any "guitaristic goals", like huuuh... grasping that David Gilmour bluesy soft oh so good touch (assuming you didn't already...

), playing so fast that Malmsteen would sit in a corner and cry when he sees you, writing the longest solo in the history of metal, that sort of thing ?
- Do you agree with the fact that signifiance symbolism bonded to language could not appear to be a failing intuition for the worsening of an experience detached from a complete fulfillment of the being ?
- When learning the guitar, there's a song that you play to your friends when they asked you to play, because it's the only song that you knew how to play more or less perfectly despite the fact that you are still learning and you want to show off a bit. My was Extreme's "More than words" (before I got an electric guitar \m/></\). What's yours ?
- A train left Grimsby Town at 11.25am travelling to Manchester. It travelled at 75m.p.h, passing through 8 stations. The journey took 2 hours 40 mins. What time did it arrive in Manchester?