Questions to Biomechanical

- What's easier now, what's worse ? Is there anything you have now you wished you had on the previous album(s) ?

The software I'm using is easier. Enables me to work a lot faster than before.
I wrote Eight Moons and The Empires on a Cubase VST. It was all that was available for my budget those days. I am working with Cubase SX now. It has great features

Nothing is worse really. It has the same moments of elation and frustration like all the others ;)

- What is everyone's challenge for this new album ? Is there any direction you guys are taking the music compared to the previous albums ?

Doing the best you can is always the challenge here. We are pushing our selves to deliver what the songs need and we have done so in all the other stuff we recorded. Direction wise. A bit more diverse that the other two. I suppose you will have to hear it to have a complete idea.

- VIDEO JOURNAL. That is not a question. Someone grab that camera. ....8)

Will do at the studio :)

- Do you plan on recording any covers (as a bonus track, for an EP...) ?

Not at this point

- Random thought you had today while working on the album :?

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!":waah: :p
\m/></\ JOHN FTW !!!1 used.... cubase... vst... ? YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A MANIAC. If anyone tells you different, punch them in the face and tell them it was me.

I want Sonar 6 myself. "They" says that the audiorouting rocks compared to Cubase, and it looks more intuitive. "They" say it doesn't crash as much, too. "They" also say the price to pay when you buy it is your left eyeball and your first born, so...</g33k>

john said:
moments of elation and frustration
"It is only when it doesn't come at you right away that you know you're in the right direction". Stop banging your head against the wall, though, people are looking at you funny.

Thank you for answering, that was sweet. Say hi to everyone and have fun !

\m/></\ JOHN FTW !!!1 used.... cubase... vst... ? YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A MANIAC. If anyone tells you different, punch them in the face and tell them it was me.

I want Sonar 6 myself. "They" says that the audiorouting rocks compared to Cubase, and it looks more intuitive. "They" say it doesn't crash as much, too. "They" also say the price to pay when you buy it is your left eyeball and your first born, so...</g33k>


Andy Snip had a look at it ‘cause I brought my G4 to his studio and he was kind enough to upgrade it.
He fell off his chair when he saw the program. He couldn’t believe I worked on it to record the album lol.

It was OK for all the midi stuff but that goes without saying. The audio work was extremely limited. Cross fades were useless and there was no automation!
SX is great. The layout reminds me of Protools a lot. All the rtas stuff and the soft instruments have made life a lot easier.

I never worked with sonar. I am a Cubase dude. Worked with Cubase since I can remember and I don’t feel comfortable with other software
I am a Cubase dude. Worked with Cubase since I can remember and I don’t feel comfortable with other software

Wow, I can't believe you use Cubase! I've been using SX for a while myself. Managed to get hold of a free copy through one of my former teachers. H20 try before you buy!!
I've also found troubles with the Cubase VSTs. Mind you, pretty much anything technological tends to go wrong as soon as it enters my house.
I use an M-Audio Black Box for recording, and Cubase gives me all sorts of latency issues. Still, i much prefer it to any other programs i've used.
Wow, I can't believe you use Cubase! I've been using SX for a while myself. Managed to get hold of a free copy through one of my former teachers. H20 try before you buy!!
I've also found troubles with the Cubase VSTs. Mind you, pretty much anything technological tends to go wrong as soon as it enters my house.
I use an M-Audio Black Box for recording, and Cubase gives me all sorts of latency issues. Still, i much prefer it to any other programs i've used.

Oh yeah, Cubase all the way. With rtas and all those pluggins out there it's good as anything.

I used Logic audio for the recordings of the rhythm guitars on this album and it felt very weird. Great program but felt really out of place with it.

VST was a bit of a nightmare. Especially when all the programs were progressing around me and the production company I worked for insisted on using the same software.

Thankfully things have developed a lot. The same goes for soft synth and soft samplers. So much easier and better to use than the chunky old samplers

Latency hey? Weird. Could be your PC.
Great program but felt really out of place with it.

That's the story of my life :waah: :waah: :waah:
I get the same feeling when I'm using another software instead of Photoshop. It just doesn't feel right.

latency issues

My first guess would be to check the soundcard drivers, or the soundcard itself. I know the X-Fi's have that low-latency laser turbocharged speedy goodness wowza ASIO mode.
Okay. There's a new line-up. The pictures from the Christmas Bash could only tell so much. Soooo...I figured it would be a good idea if the new blood would tell us what gear they're using in the band. :u-huh:

I'm using a Schecter C7 Hellraiser 7string guitar (this may change soon)

Peavey 6505 Amps

T-Rex Michael Angelo Overdrive

Boss Noise Suppressor

Boss DD6 Digital Delay

Korg Stage Tuner

and maybe I will add some more things!! I will post the changes when they will happen!:)
Ady Lambert here - Biomech bass guitar.

I mainly use 2 x 6-string basses; an Ibanez SR 1006EFM Prestige in natural flat and an Ibanez SR506 - black. I also use the Sansamp Bass Driver DI.



I was reading up on some Biomechanical interviews and I learned that you're also in intense. I'm recently just started getting into you guys. I love "Anger of the Ancients". There's a lot of potential for you in both bands. Cheers! :rock:
I'm using a Schecter C7 Hellraiser 7string guitar (this may change soon)

My mate owns one of those, and while it had a good tone, I personally found the neck to be too chunky. Maybe thats because i'm so used to the neck on my Ibanez 7.

Anyway, nice of the members to share some info, cheers.
There's no "Dream Guitar" guitar guys!! I mean there's not a guitar that is good for everyone!
It depends on the guitarist hands anatomy.. For exampe I just can't play with ESP..they feel...strange,bad...
Is a good company but i cant play with them..

Also theres no guitar that is going to play ALL the styles of music!!
You have to choose the guitar according to the style you want to play!

For any other questions..Feel free!! I will reply!

Gus Drax
There's no "Dream Guitar" guitar guys!! I mean there's not a guitar that is good for everyone!
It depends on the guitarist hands anatomy.. For exampe I just can't play with ESP..they feel...strange,bad...
Is a good company but i cant play with them..

Also theres no guitar that is going to play ALL the styles of music!!
You have to choose the guitar according to the style you want to play!

For any other questions..Feel free!! I will reply!

Gus Drax

That's why later this year I'll be commissioning my first custom guitar.

What pickups are in your guitar?
2 Humbuckers EMG.
All the guitar is a neck through mahogany!
The Fretboard is rosewood! :) :rock:

That's how mine will be, too (might use ebony as the fretboard) except I'll have a Bill Lawrence L500-XL in the bridge for the Dimebag crunch and a something similar to either a Duncan JB or 59 for the neck. It will be bolt-on (in case it breaks).

NICE!! But..No Floyd Rose??
I mean i my schecter is the only guitar that hasnt and i miss it a lot!
My next guitar is going to definetily to have one!!
For any other questions..Feel free!! I will reply


- When I chug down lager, my usual burping settings are : Attack=0 Decay=0 Sustain=5 Release=10. How about you ?

- Do you have any "guitaristic goals", like huuuh... grasping that David Gilmour bluesy soft oh so good touch (assuming you didn't already... :D), playing so fast that Malmsteen would sit in a corner and cry when he sees you, writing the longest solo in the history of metal, that sort of thing ?

- Do you agree with the fact that signifiance symbolism bonded to language could not appear to be a failing intuition for the worsening of an experience detached from a complete fulfillment of the being ?

- When learning the guitar, there's a song that you play to your friends when they asked you to play, because it's the only song that you knew how to play more or less perfectly despite the fact that you are still learning and you want to show off a bit. My was Extreme's "More than words" (before I got an electric guitar \m/></\). What's yours ?

- A train left Grimsby Town at 11.25am travelling to Manchester. It travelled at 75m.p.h, passing through 8 stations. The journey took 2 hours 40 mins. What time did it arrive in Manchester?