Questions to Biomechanical

Biomech DINK!!!! said:
Hey Adam! Long time no see! Hope things are cool your end. Haen't seen you since the Square gig. How's things dude?

Well, with my hectic schedule of sleeping, sitting, getting laid, listening to music, watching films, getting paid to sit and listen to music/watch films...You know, it's tough. But I get by. How are things your end?
Iconoclast said:
Well, with my hectic schedule of sleeping, sitting, getting laid, listening to music, watching films, getting paid to sit and listen to music/watch films...You know, it's tough. But I get by. How are things your end?

BASTARD!!!!! Things are cool man. Looking forward to next year with the release of the next album and stuff. Will you be attending the Earcache Xmas gig?

Biomech DINK!!!! said:
Will you be attending the Earcache Xmas gig?
Unfortunately not, I already said I could work on that day before I found out about the gig and there's noone else can cover it for me. Getting there would be a bit of a bitch aswell.
popetot said:
I haven't yet had the privilege of seeing Biomechanical live, so I was wondering who does the solos ... Do Webb and Hunt "take turns" or do they have strict roles?

Get your asses to Denmark, by the way! :worship:


Chris and Jamie have their own designated solos on the album and the same goes when they play live,

On Eight Moons they play:

Chris- The Awakening, Do you know me, Distorted and Hunted.
Jamie- In the Core of Darkness, Eight Moons, Save Me and Point of no Return.

The new tracks also have specific solos they both play in designated tracks.

Hopefully Biomechanical will be giging your way some time next year! :headbang:
popetot said:
I haven't yet had the privilege of seeing Biomechanical live, so I was wondering who does the solos ... Do Webb and Hunt "take turns" or do they have strict roles?

Get your asses to Denmark, by the way! :worship:

Hi there, Just to add to Existenzs' comments, the thing with the solos is that both Jamie and Chris were taking turns while learning the songs. On the album I wanted the guys to play a song each but it didn't work as the first three tracks were played by Chris and then 1 by Jamie and then two from Chris and so on. With the Empires of the Worlds there should be a more smooth distribution.

As far as live is concerned -as Existenz said-Chris and Jamie stick to their solos as played on the album
Biomechanoid#001 said:
Hi there, Just to add to Existenzs' comments, the thing with the solos is that both Jamie and Chris were taking turns while learning the songs. On the album I wanted the guys to play a song each but it didn't work as the first three tracks were played by Chris and then 1 by Jamie and then two from Chris and so on. With the Empires of the Worlds there should be a more smooth distribution.

As far as live is concerned -as Existenz said-Chris and Jamie stick to their solos as played on the album
WOAH! So when it says "All music - John K." it really is all of it ...!? You have my deepest respect, dude - even more than before! Rock on! :headbang:
Looking forward to the mixing of the new album. Both the guys are really shredding on the this one.
I am sure I speak for all the guys when I say that this one is gonna turn your hair white and drastically lower your sperm count......
Can't say anything yet (not completely confirmed and I don't want to jinx it).
But some really exciting news about the production will hopefully be coming up soon! :headbang:
Don't you mean it will turn our hair white drastically and lower my sperm count??

I can just feel the man love on this board...well not 'feel' but....erm....okay.

I have a question. *ahem* What was the inspiration for Biomechanical? It's obvious that there is a concept of 'fusion' going on here but second to pulling every interview on the net I was wondering what it is exactly that you guys want to portray in your music.
Rofocale said:
I can just feel the man love on this board...well not 'feel' but....erm....okay.

I have a question. *ahem* What was the inspiration for Biomechanical? It's obvious that there is a concept of 'fusion' going on here but second to pulling every interview on the net I was wondering what it is exactly that you guys want to portray in your music.

Here are a few questions and answers from a couple of interviews I found for now untill Biomechanical can get back to you!

From maximummetal Interview with John.K

Eight Moons" basically tells the story of a down and out guy who creates a world of his own where he transforms into a creature, Mekan, that obliterates his fears in an escapist world called Eight Moons. Correct?

Yeah that's it. I wanted to talk about a normal person someone who could be you and me. I wanted to talk about the fears we face in every day life and our will to obliterate them and abolish them from our lives. It's about that small dark space in the human soul that is there for us when we need it. Some people discover it and some people don't. The ones that do manage to escape and survive another day from the horrors of life. The character I chose to tell the story faces his fears that take the form of unspeakable terrors. Terrors that could be as horrible as real life even though I have to say reality is scarier than the most extreme fictional horror stories.

Didn't you feel like writing about dungeons and dragons and kings and wizards ...haha?

Not my bag I am afraid dude. Nothing wrong with it and I think there are some great bands out there who write for this kind of stuff but we prefer to talk about human dark emotions and feelings through a futuristic or a metaphysical approach for the time being. I am a big fan of Manga and comics such as 'The Spawn' & 'The Darkness', etc and I always wanted to fuse metal with these worlds. The topic might change on future albums but more than likely it will be about real situations.

This one from Power-metal uk - Interview with John.K
A lot has been made of the 'film-score metal' that you guys make, inventing a new genre with one album? What can you see yourselves with the next release and after that? Any plans?

John K – That’s really nice to know that the band has being perceived in this way. After all that was the initial approach in writing the music. I can say as the song writer of the band that all the influences came from composers such as John Williams, James Horner (please don’t think Titanic, he has written great stuff before that, ) Elliot Goldenthal and many more fused with modern and classic metal. Plus the fact that I have studied composition, instrumentation and orchestration has made it almost inevitable for me to fuse metal with orchestral music.
It kind of happened this way, I suppose that’s how you write something. All the things you love and know come to one so I don’t know about inventing a new genre, but for the time being we are happy to have made something different in terms of style, colour and a fusion of metal with film scoring orientated orchestral writing.
We will talk about the next release later in this interview but for the time being we have laid down plans for the next three albums (including 'The Empires of the Worlds'). If things will go well we would like to go ahead and release the follow-up to Eight Moons and The Empires.. titled 'Cannibalised' . Of course music hasn’t been written but story wise it will conclude the Eight Moons story.
After that (you are probably thinking What tha Fuck! right now?: - ) ) We have an idea for an album that will take a totally different twist in terms of story and maybe music. It will most probably be called In Extremis but its too early for a final decision. :)
Hello there, haven't been on here for a while but nice to see al is still well on the McMechanical forum, good stuff. A quick question for whom it may concern, i've been tryin to get hold of those new style tshirts for ages but there's never any in stock on the website, would anyone have any info on when i'll be able to get one? let me know, cheers. Adam
Banners said:
Hello there, haven't been on here for a while but nice to see al is still well on the McMechanical forum, good stuff. A quick question for whom it may concern, i've been tryin to get hold of those new style tshirts for ages but there's never any in stock on the website, would anyone have any info on when i'll be able to get one? let me know, cheers. Adam

Hi Adam

Nice to hear from you.

I know that they haven't ordered any more of the new Biomechanical T-Shirts (Due to a problem with the manufactuer :( , if I hear anything different I'll let you know.
I know there should be a new design T-Shirt coming out around the time when the new album is released :)
Good stuff, cause ya know, my original t-shirt is now somewhat grey, needless to say it's had a good life and has a while left in it, but he won't be around forever the poor bastard. A new design? will it be the new album artwork? cause i'll have to buy that too, grumble. Keep me posted on this stuff, cheers. Adam
Banners said:
Good stuff, cause ya know, my original t-shirt is now somewhat grey, needless to say it's had a good life and has a while left in it, but he won't be around forever the poor bastard. A new design? will it be the new album artwork? cause i'll have to buy that too, grumble. Keep me posted on this stuff, cheers. Adam

I think it will be the new album artwork :) I'll keep you posted.

Jo said:
Will there be a video clip for the new album?


Yeah there will be a video for the 'Empires of the Worlds' :hotjump:
I'll post here when I will get any more info on it.
