Questions to Biomechanical

Cazaline said:
When's the next time they're doin a gig in the uk and where?

I think there will be a release party for the album, probably in London.
Will post on the forum when there is something definate :)
Cazaline said:
When's the next time they're doin a gig in the uk and where?

Hi there and welcome to the Biomech- board!!

We should know soon about gigs but at the moment we are concentrating on promotion of our new album,

The guys from Earache are working on the giging situation and as Existenz said there is a possibility of a press showcase. Not sure about it though,

We should have some news in the future,

AlexGuinness said:
Will there be a limited release of the album?

(I seem to remember reading that all Earache releases have a limited run of some kind)

Hi there,

I am not sure to honest with you. I think they do certain prints and if those go then they re-print another bunch of CDs. I think it's all down to sales, but I could be mistaken.
Had the CD through the post the other day and I can only echo what everyone else is saying, it is fantastic and I am sure will do very well.

I have been playing the rough mix of "Empires Of The Worlds" regularly when I DJ at the local Rock Night for a while, but since I played "Long Time Dead" on Saturday, several people have come up to me already and said that they have bought it after hearing it!

As I was quite late discovering the band, finally catching up due to Lee's enthusiasm (I have to trust his judgement after bringing us Opeth and Solstice a decade ago), I have yet to hear the first album. I have ordered a copy from your website already and cannot wait.

As for my question... I loved the showcase gig in London recently, so when do we hear news about more live dates now that you have whetted our appetites (I was not able to make the dates this week due to work, but assume that a full tour is in the pipeline)?

I would love it if the main tour included somewhere really cool like Colchester Arts Centre... (hint, hint!)
AlexGuinness said:
Had the CD through the post the other day and I can only echo what everyone else is saying, it is fantastic and I am sure will do very well.

I have been playing the rough mix of "Empires Of The Worlds" regularly when I DJ at the local Rock Night for a while, but since I played "Long Time Dead" on Saturday, several people have come up to me already and said that they have bought it after hearing it!

As I was quite late discovering the band, finally catching up due to Lee's enthusiasm (I have to trust his judgement after bringing us Opeth and Solstice a decade ago), I have yet to hear the first album. I have ordered a copy from your website already and cannot wait.

As for my question... I loved the showcase gig in London recently, so when do we hear news about more live dates now that you have whetted our appetites (I was not able to make the dates this week due to work, but assume that a full tour is in the pipeline)?

I would love it if the main tour included somewhere really cool like Colchester Arts Centre... (hint, hint!)

Thanks for the kind words and your much appreciated attendance at the showcase. All of us are really stoked by the reaction 'Empires' is getting. In answer to the question, Earache are on the case with touring plans, needless to say this all we can say for now but rest assured we're gonna be tearing up a venue near you soon. Hope you enjoy 'Eight Moons'. Keep it metal, bro....
profskett said:
To John K: how the hell do you get such a huge vocal range?

I discovered the high vox kindda accidentally a long time ago. There is a break on the voice that I manage to avoid and extended my natural voice on a higher register instead of breaking on the typical falsetto voice.
It took a long time to sort out and most of my life I have been singing with this technique.

The growls came about since Biomechanical. They are not easy at first. There is a balance between doing good growls without ruining your voice and screaming. have to be careful as you can lose your voice this way.
On the Empires I also used a high register growly voice which is a new thing for me. And obviously the lower singing vocal is just a natural male type of vocal which is easily done.
It’s hard work though. Always looking for something else and never rest with the notion you’ve done it. It’s always something new you can learn or do and that’s the fun part of the whole thing.
Wow thanks for that....

I need to work on getting a bit better at screaming out the high notes, but my top falsetto note (when i'm absolutely screaming my balls off) is about a D or Eb, where you seem to get up to notes like G or Ab with not too much problem. Is this just down to innate vocal range, or can I work on it to improve my range?
biomike said:
Is there a Biomechanical street team? I've been asked by matt to bring this up.

:wave: Welcome to the board!

We have a few regular people that when Biomechanical do gigs give out flyers and stuff and spread the Biomech Word, so yes we do :)
profskett said:
Wow thanks for that....

No worries man

profskett said:
I need to work on getting a bit better at screaming out the high notes, but my top falsetto note (when i'm absolutely screaming my balls off) is about a D or Eb,

It's best to hold back until you find a comfortable place in your throat. It needs to be more relaxed than intense singing in order to get results.
There is a very fine line between singing loudly and screaming. You can easily damage your voice or cause your vocal cords to swell if you overdo it on the first track of a gig. If you do that you will struggle to sing the rest of the songs. The more comfortable you feel the easier you'll find hitting higher notes and you will enjoy the gigs more as well.

profskett said:
Is this just down to innate vocal range, or can I work on it to improve my range?

I think it's a bit of both. If your talking voice is mid range you probably have better chances in singing mid high range. If you have a low voice probably it's easier to do high screams and growls (I can only assume this is the case). But for me most important thing is to overcome the break from natural voice to falsetto and extent your natural voice upwards. It's difficult to explain with words but that's the best explanation and advice I can give you
AlexGuinness said:
As I was quite late discovering the band, finally catching up due to Lee's enthusiasm (I have to trust his judgement after bringing us Opeth and Solstice a decade ago), I have yet to hear the first album. I have ordered a copy from your website already and cannot wait.

Sorry if I am just being impatient, but should I expect delivery of the first album from your website to be closer to the 28 days delivery time?

It is almost 3 weeks now and I am sadly impatient!

Sorry if I should just wait...

AlexGuinness said:
Sorry if I am just being impatient, but should I expect delivery of the first album from your website to be closer to the 28 days delivery time?

It is almost 3 weeks now and I am sadly impatient!

Sorry if I should just wait...


Sorry about that, I think there might be a case of having run out of CDs,

I am looking into it now
AlexGuinness said:
Sorry if I am just being impatient, but should I expect delivery of the first album from your website to be closer to the 28 days delivery time?

It is almost 3 weeks now and I am sadly impatient!

Sorry if I should just wait...


OK I was right, the Eight moons CDs are sold out and we are in the process of ordering some more, very sorry about that we are trying to sort it out as soon as poss.

can you e-mail and let them know of your situation?
