Quick Question about PT's Lazarus...

Bleak Harvest

Mar 23, 2005
If Wikipedia is to be believed, is Mikael really adding his vocal talents to the song? If so, I really cannot hear him. Also, is he featured in any other Porcupine Tree?

Couldn't tell you, all I know is he did a solo on the song 'Deadwing'. Kinda on topic, I've heard that Wilson does backing vocals on Bleak. Is this true?
Arriving somewhere (guitar solo).

I know it says mike did the second guitar solo of arriving somewhere in the booklet, but at 6:55 is heavy opeth riffage exactly the kind mikael would write. Whats that you hear in your ear? ohh..Yeah. Thats OPETH. If he didn't write that then steve wrote it specifically as a homage to opeth.
Steven Wilson doesn't do backing vocals, he sings main parts in Bleak! idd, you'd have to be deaf not to hear ...

Well actually during the chorus steve sings the first(Devious movements in your eyes, Breath comes out white clouds with your lies) while switching off with mike(Moved me from relief,And filters through me ) then mike(You're close to the final word. You're staring right past me in dismay. A liquid seeps from your chest and drains me away) takes over then it switches back to steve(Mist ripples round your thin white neck, Cold fingers mark this dying wreck) while mike switches off(And draws me a line,This moment is mine). Then during the acoustic bridge is mike(Help me cure you Atone for all you've done Help me leave you As all the days are gone). End of second chorus is mike(Night falls again taking what's left of me)
So to make that easy to understand:

Steve: Devious movements in your eyes,
Mike: Moved me from relief,
Steve: Breath comes out white clouds with your lies
Mike: And filters through me,
Mike: You're close to the final word, you're staring right past me in dismay, a liquid seeps from your chest, and drains me away,
Steve: Mist ripples round your thin white neck,
Mike: And draws me a line,
Steve: Cold fingers mark this dying wreck,
Mike: This moment is mine.

That was probably completely unneccessary but whatever.
actually they both sing "You're close to the final word, you're staring right past me in dismay, a liquid seeps from your chest"
Actually actually It's a second layer low in the mix of mike singing almost talking the vox line, and mike sings that part regardless. I don't feel I need to go through every layer since opeth, same as pt put layer upon layer.
Okay, it just sounded to me that they're both singing that part since there's a vocal harmony, and it would have made sense.
Would make sense if this was going to be played in a live setting with steve being able to be there night after night. But it's the studio, and this is not a pop duet. If you notice metal acts always like to back the vox line with that almost talk singing. If you listen carefully all the clean vox on opeth tracks mike multi layers his voice to sound fuller, and give it more dimension, and this is exactly what was done.
I know that, but the backing track isn't used on the rest of that particular section, and besides that not being a pop duet has nothing to do with whether there are one or two singers on that line. Anyway, it seems I was wrong, so let's move on.