Quick question for band members

Here's some info from a Matt interview (yes, it's in those links listed above, but I thought this one in particular would be a useful paste). I particularly like the outside-the-box inclusion of Slave To The Grind :kickass:

From http://www.powermetal.dk/interviews/theocracy.htm:

Matt 2003 interview said:
Q: What kind of music has inspired you, I hear some Fates Warning (old), Iron Maiden, Helloween, Symphony X even some folk music mixed in there?

A: Well, I must admit that folk hasn't been an influence at all, so it's interesting that you mentioned it...but I have definitely had a whole lot of influences, including lots of the bands you listed. I'm also influenced by film scores, etc., but most of my major influences have been various heavy bands; everything from classic Metal to prog, power, thrash, etc. I've learned different things from different bands, and incorporated these things into my own writing style. I certainly didn't try to invent some new style or go out of my way to be shockingly original or anything, but at the same time, I don't think I sound just like any one particular band.

Q: Could you pls. make a Top 5 all-time list or the 5 most important albums in your opinion?

A: Oh my goodness. I love lists, but that's a hard one! I had to expand it to 8 instead of 5, and aside from the #1 slot, this is not necessarily in order. Plus, I stuck to one album per band, whereas if this were my real top 10, there probably would have been a few bands with more than one album listed (and some of the others would have been bumped down a little bit). Instead, I wanted to list different bands/albums that I love or that have influenced my songwriting in some way.

1) Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
- What can you say? Many of us doing this kind of music wouldn't be doing so if it wasn't for this album.Or at the very least, there wouldn't be the audience for this style that there is. Musically, this album literally changed my life; it made me realize there was so much out there beyond the garbage played on the radio. A timeless masterpiece.

2) Iron Maiden - Powerslave
- I could have chosen from several of the classic albums, but I chose this one because "Aces High" in particular made me fall in love with that sound. It's not hard to hear Steve's influence on my writing, especially concerning the soaring vocal melodies and harmonized guitars. "Somewhere in Time" is probably a more consistent album, and maybe my favorite. But I'll stick with "Powerslave" for the sake of influence.

3) Edguy - Mandrake
- Another big influence on my writing, especially concerning the choirs and the speed. I think Tobias Sammet is one of the best songwriters the world (or at least this kind of music) has ever seen. I am constantly in awe of his work and looking forward to his next move. This is probably my favorite album of theirs.

4) Dream Theater - Awake
- One of my all-time favorite bands, and to me this is their best album. I was hooked immediately. It's another classic for the ages; nice and heavy. Also one of the most well-produced and best-sounding albums of all time, in my opinion. It's pretty much sonically flawless.

5) Metallica - Master of Puppets
- Of course this album is going to be in any list; its influence can't be denied. Hetfield was my "teacher" when it came to rhythm guitar playing and lyric writing. I developed much of my style as a guitar player from him, and also learned how to best phrase my lyrics for maximum power and effect.

6) Skid Row - Slave to the Grind
- The most underrated band of all time. It's such a shame that they were dismissed by some because they came out during the glam period of the 80s; they were the real deal. An incredibly energetic offering from a great band. This was the album for me and my friends back in high school.

7) Savatage - The Wake of Magellan
- Many would argue (or even take offense), but for me this was easily their peak period. These guys were another huge influence on my writing, especially in terms of the counterpoint vocals (at the end of "Twist of Fate," for example). I love that stuff. I love the whole epic, powerful, theatrical feel of it all.

8) Symphony X - The Odyssey
- This actually is not my favorite Symphony X album (I love it, but I think "V" is probably the most consistent, while "Twilight in Olympus" probably has most of my favorite songs), but I had to put it on here because of the title track. "The Odyssey" is, hands-down, my favorite song of all time. It is a true work of art, and it encompasses everything that is great about this kind of music in 24 minutes. This track has it all. Romeo's orchestration is mindblowing, and Russ is the best vocalist out there, in my book.

So there you have it! I could add so many more, but those 8 have influenced me in some way, so I think that's a pretty good list.
Wow, it's weird reading that. I wouldn't argue with any of those 8, but there's certainly a lot I left out, and it's funny how I was 100% sure that "The Odyssey" was my favorite song ever. I mean I love it, but I'd be much more hesitant to make that claim about any single song nowadays. I could never name a "favorite song ever."
Wow, it's weird reading that. I wouldn't argue with any of those 8, but there's certainly a lot I left out, and it's funny how I was 100% sure that "The Odyssey" was my favorite song ever. I mean I love it, but I'd be much more hesitant to make that claim about any single song nowadays. I could never name a "favorite song ever."

Agreed. It's a rather hard question. I listen to SO much it's almost impossible to say that!
Wow, it's weird reading that. I wouldn't argue with any of those 8, but there's certainly a lot I left out, and it's funny how I was 100% sure that "The Odyssey" was my favorite song ever. I mean I love it, but I'd be much more hesitant to make that claim about any single song nowadays. I could never name a "favorite song ever."

I could answer that question, the problem is, that answer would change almost daily with the mood I'm in.