Quitting Internet forums

sadly this thread tells me that the peak of this forum and its heydays are over ... :(
I suppose moderation is the key to acheiving a healthy balance between recreation and work. So...fjoeianfiej9283ur9823ureofijoka;nviou9eiorjiu34i982302930293u840984ut940ut94ukjfodpaelicandljfiejwoiefmaxjohnsonnoltemdemotape$5sendinyourcashtoday!!!!111!!11!11
nice to meet you, miss FAH-gina.

oh man right now i really wish the search feature was back so i could find my "whoops i cut my own dick off" thread.
wow... I'm sorry Adrian. I did an awesome job of waking up at 1:00 and totally screwing you over.

Well, if you still want them I'll absolutely do them tonight- no bullshit. Sorry :(

i'd appreciate them, yes. didn't go to the mountains today but might tomorrow so you have time. :D