
meager 40 per cent, gaby. i'm sorry, my knowledge of you is nowhere near the vice versa. :p

li: i got 30 on yours, although i don't really believe that you look like harry potter.

i need easier tests. these remind me of an author recognition test i took in high school for my philosopy class - i got 3 out of 10 and really could do nothing but laugh when i found out...
Got 7/10 in idari's 1st test 5/10 in second
6/10 in Nick's test
2/10 in Violet Baudelaire's :)
Woo I was the only one to score 0 at Caelestia's, sorry :loco:
1/10 in king chaos' test
1/10 in hyena's (yes i suck in these :))
2/10 in rahvin's
3/10 in rusty's

, maybe I shouldn't take part in lottery this week :)